1.) Do I need to invest in a dry suit or is a 7mm enough for the summer? Remember, I have become a thin-skinned Florida diver!
The water temperature doesn't really vary a whole lot along our coast and averages around 50 degrees. As other people have stated, a dry suit is really prefered. The advantage is that you can increase or decrease the thickness of the undergarments to what works for you. A dry suit is expensive and a good one will run $1500 or more.
2.) Are there any monthly dive club meetings in the Bay area? ( I will be living in Emeryville)
Can't help you there, but I would recommend joining the ba_diving group on yahoo to connect with more people in the area.
3.) Any recommendations for a LDS near Emeryville? (somewhere they offer Nitrox fills as well)
4.) Any suggestions for my first few dives out there?
I think that is the extent of my questions...for now. Thank you all in advance for any information you can share.
Best Regards,
I second the recommendation of the Breakwater at Monterey. It's a great acclimation dive with an easy entry and things to see.
In addition to being colder, the vis is usally less here that in Florida. This adds more stress to diving, which usally results in high air consumption. Beach diving entries are usally more difficult and can involve hikes over rocks. Good booties are very helpful for this. The other thing to beware of is kelp. It is easy to get tangled in it and should be avoided during surface swims. Kelp is easy to break, so if you do get caught just snap it in half. I mention this one, because an experienced dive instructor from Hawaii came here to dive, got caught in kelp and drowned.
It shouldn't take you too long to get used to the differences and then you can enjoy the wonderful diversity that we have here.
The water temperature doesn't really vary a whole lot along our coast and averages around 50 degrees. As other people have stated, a dry suit is really prefered. The advantage is that you can increase or decrease the thickness of the undergarments to what works for you. A dry suit is expensive and a good one will run $1500 or more.
2.) Are there any monthly dive club meetings in the Bay area? ( I will be living in Emeryville)
Can't help you there, but I would recommend joining the ba_diving group on yahoo to connect with more people in the area.
3.) Any recommendations for a LDS near Emeryville? (somewhere they offer Nitrox fills as well)
4.) Any suggestions for my first few dives out there?
I think that is the extent of my questions...for now. Thank you all in advance for any information you can share.
Best Regards,
I second the recommendation of the Breakwater at Monterey. It's a great acclimation dive with an easy entry and things to see.
In addition to being colder, the vis is usally less here that in Florida. This adds more stress to diving, which usally results in high air consumption. Beach diving entries are usally more difficult and can involve hikes over rocks. Good booties are very helpful for this. The other thing to beware of is kelp. It is easy to get tangled in it and should be avoided during surface swims. Kelp is easy to break, so if you do get caught just snap it in half. I mention this one, because an experienced dive instructor from Hawaii came here to dive, got caught in kelp and drowned.
It shouldn't take you too long to get used to the differences and then you can enjoy the wonderful diversity that we have here.