I'm having another rethink ....
Is it possible for me, who has never dived Casino Point previously, to dive myself there or do I need a guide
Scuba Luv charge 95$ for a guide
As others have pointed out Casino point is a very easy dive. It has stairs for entry and exit and most of my diving is between 35-45' making for a nice long BT. The times I have dove, there was generally no current so for photos it it nice.
Water temp has warmed up, so it is quite nice now.
I was thinking I'd get a guide to point things out to me as I want to take pictures
You can download the underwater park map, do a little study of it before hand, and you'll be really to check out all the cool things.
Is it simpler than I am making out? Yes it is. No worries
I'm an experiences diver with over 1,000 dives and have dived all over the world in some pretty cold rough places
With your experience you'll find Casino point a nice relaxing dive.