Your all right. Armed with your perception and a second look, I can see now that the two fish are Bar Jacks. The greenish brown color completely threw me off. Had they been silvery, I probably would have pegged them right off. According to the Reef Fish Identification book (Paul Humann, Ned DeLoach), Bar Jacks can darken to almost black when feeding near the bottom, which these two little rascals were probably doing before I interrupted them!
I dont have a better picture of the small school of purple fish. Guess I'll never know for sure what those are. Just proves the ole rule of thumb.......Get closer, get closer, and then get closer!!
Thanks everyone for your help!
I dont have a better picture of the small school of purple fish. Guess I'll never know for sure what those are. Just proves the ole rule of thumb.......Get closer, get closer, and then get closer!!
Thanks everyone for your help!