first time diving with pros

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Reaction score
Phoenix, Arizona
# of dives
500 - 999
Just tried my pros the other day (also 1st time using ff) and am now wondering if I need inserts or a smaller size.

I bought the L and use them with 5mm boots with hard sole. ON land, according to feedback, the fit was perfect. In the water I found that they tended to move around on my feet a little too much for my liking.

Am not sure if they're supposed to have a little bit of play underwater or not.... just am used to my fin feeling as if it were one with my foot.

other than that wierd feeling of having it move around a little bit, seemed to be a nice diving fin. got good propulsion using a variety of kicks.... if i could have it feel more secure against my boot i think i just might make the switch to these full time.

would like feedback from those that have been using them "forever" concerning fit

Coralcruiser, Thank you. What size is your foot? Enjoy your foot not being part of the fin design. Leave your foot on land, it's for walking, not for having a fin hanging on too. Best, Bob
I don't like free play in the fin and had the same problem with my previous boots which were thinner. I was wrapping the boot with Duck tape to fill in the space, but now with thicker boots it's not a problem.

If the mismatch is small you'll have to fill it in somehow, whether with the inserts or something homemade.

since i don't have my g-10 to play with (housing flooded on my first dive!!!) i am focusing on the fins....

i bought size L based on feedback given my measurement around arch with boot on but am now leaning towards going down to a M or ML so I can use thinner booties with softer sole instead of my 5mil boots.

have a few more days to "play" with them before heading back home and my next trip won't be until june when i take a group down to spend a week on the T+C explorer. :))
You can use two inserts at a time, if you need to. My wife who is a woman's 8, wears large. With a heavy soled 5 mm she uses no insert, with a 3 mm medium sole she uses one insert and she wears them barefoot with 2 inserts.
you can try an insert, but I am guessing your just not used to the FEELING of the lateral slop that FF have, it really is just a feeling that you notice because you no longer notice your foot being torqued horribly. I recommend that everyone do at least 5 dives with no other fin before making any judgement, I know they feel different than what you are used to, but that is just your legs remember how to kick properly and you start to feel other things that you are not accustomed to. Unless the fin is riding up onto your ankle you probably do not need an insert.
you can try an insert, but I am guessing your just not used to the FEELING of the lateral slop that FF have, it really is just a feeling that you notice because you no longer notice your foot being torqued horribly. I recommend that everyone do at least 5 dives with no other fin before making any judgement, I know they feel different than what you are used to, but that is just your legs remember how to kick properly and you start to feel other things that you are not accustomed to. Unless the fin is riding up onto your ankle you probably do not need an insert.

That's exactly it.... a lateral movement of the fin against my foot. Will be doing 3 dives with them today and see how it goes. :)
just remember, FF fit looser than competitors, its part of the free foot concept. The execution of the FF foot pocket is so good that you will have an improved connection to the fin and ability to transfer power into it.

Basically, I recommend stop thinking about them, just dive and enjoy, you'll find you can completely ignore the fins
just remember, FF fit looser than competitors, its part of the free foot concept. The execution of the FF foot pocket is so good that you will have an improved connection to the fin and ability to transfer power into it.

Basically, I recommend stop thinking about them, just dive and enjoy, you'll find you can completely ignore the fins

Am liking the fins more each time I dive with them and am getting used to the movement. Love the way I can maneuver and stop on a dime.

Only issue I am having now is that I seem to be putting more pressure on my knees when kicking to move through current or get some distance going. I am doing shorter kicks but am bending at the knees... best described as "riding a bicycle" under water. :)

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