First Piece of Equipment - Recommendations??

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Beyond the Pale
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Vienna, VA
I just got back from a diving trip to the Bahamas and have had it with using resort gear. After spending the day orally inflating a shredded BC and fiddling with a sub-standard regulator, I am ready to buy some more gear.

However, I do not want to buy it all at once so I can spread out the expenditures (nice economy we have, eh?).

I need the following:

1. BC (I was thinking Zeagle Ranger)
2. Reg (I am leaning toward the Apeks TX50/TX40 octo or the Zeagle flathead with ZX).
3. Computer/Console (I am thinking Suunto Cobra)
4. Wetsuit

What order would you purchase it in?

Thanks in advance!
1) Regs
2) Backplate/wings (not a BC)
3) Computer
4) Exposure suit
Kinda depends on what you want to do, where you want to dive, and what might be in your future.

I'd go with a good quality, very well fitting wetsuit for the first purchase. Then I'd buy a BC, but would go with a simple backplate/wing style (Halcyon). Then the regs (TX50/DS4 with TX40 octo).

Good luck.

Im with the yooper on this one

First item i got was a wet suit, i wasnt to thrilled about renting wet suits. Just remember what we all do in them.

then i would go for the wings, regs, tank

Yea... I gotta say, wetsuits are nasty to rent... get that first. Then bang off the biggest things you can afford in decending order, as in buy the most expensive thing you can afford first. It'll hurt less later :D
It's interesting to see others' approaches to this, specifically in choosing when to get the wetsuit. We're talking about personal opinion here, so I'm not saying anyone is wrong.

My thinking is that, though rental wetsuits definitely have a strong "ick!" factor, they're not a matter of survival. Regs are. I've had to make do with rental regs before, regs which breathed wet and/or with difficulty at depth. Who knows if rental regs have been maintained or adjusted properly? That question nagged me throughout each dive I made with rental gear, and significantly impaired my enjoyment.

I'd choose a backplate (see archives for reasons why over other types) next because it's a matter of personal comfort in the water. It can make the difference between an uncomfortable, stressful dive and a relaxed, effortless one. Then there's also the same issue with rental BCs as with rental regs: maintenance.

I'd make a computer my next priority in the name of standardization and therefore less taskloading and ease of use. If you're continuously renting computers, it's unlikely you'll always use the same brand or model. Different computer brands may use different algorithms, and therefore different levels of conservatism, and different presentation of crucial information. Do your research and decide what's best for you. And again, there's the question of the quality of rental computers and how easily you'll understand critical information while under stress.

So, there's why I'd rank the wetsuit lowest in priority on your list. I can live with the "ick!" factor, but it's not so certain that I could with poorly maintained gear.

BTW, the cause of the primary "ick!" factor in wetsuits is sterile. :)
I was leaning toward a wetsuit first anyway because I stay at some resorts that include diving but they always charge you for wetsuit rentals (BC, weights, air, boat, regs are all included).

On the backplate issue...I am not that familiar with them, but I have been doing some looking around and I can see the advantages in modularity and definitely scalability as I get more technical in my you think something like the Halcyon secure harness and backplate and pioneer 27 wings would work out ok? More or less pricey than a standard BC? Do you add pockets and things to the webbing straps or belt-type pouches? Can I get integrated weights in a halcyon/backplate type system?

An ill fitting wet suit can have a great effect on the enjoyment of a dive. Wet suits can be as poorly maintained as any other piece of scuba grear resulting in holes in a number of places. I agree it isn't life support but it can go a long ways to making a good dive great or a good dive miserable.

If you're continuously renting computers, it's unlikely you'll always use the same brand or model. Different computer brands may use different algorithms, and therefore different levels of conservatism, and different presentation of crucial information.

I think this a boon to doing your research on what computer you want. Yes, you should be familiar with a computer before you dive it. Take time before you get wet. Ask to borrow an instruction manual, but what better way to research a computer than to dive it.

Originally posted by Tom Vyles
An ill fitting wet suit can have a great effect on the enjoyment of a dive. Wet suits can be as poorly maintained as any other piece of scuba grear resulting in holes in a number of places. I agree it isn't life support but it can go a long ways to making a good dive great or a good dive miserable.
True, but at least you can see the holes before you leave the shop and exchange it. As for sizing, try it on before leaving, too.

Originally posted by Tom Vyles

I think this a boon to doing your research on what computer you want. Yes, you should be familiar with a computer before you dive it. Take time before you get wet. Ask to borrow an instruction manual, but what better way to research a computer than to dive it.
Always assuming you have time to do so, yes. But make sure those are going to be very easy dives. Taskloading is not your friend, especially early on in your diving career.
Originally posted by O-ring
Do you add pockets and things to the webbing straps or belt-type pouches? Can I get integrated weights in a halcyon/backplate type system?

No - Yes

To your original question:

Buy it all at once....
Put off renting anything and save toward buying....
Put off diving until you own your gear (carrot~on~a~stick)...
If you must buy something buy an...

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