First gear help

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I am a new diver and am considering my first equipment purchase. I am considering either a dive computer (suunto mosquito or stinger) or a regulator (Atomic B2) Given that I will be able to only get one or the other, which would you recommend a computer or a regulator as the most appropriate first purchase.
I am going to assume that you have mask and fins and that the mask fits. If your mask does not fit, get one that does.

Your regulator is very important and you want to be able trust it. By owning your regulator you are in control of how it is treted both in the water and out and how well it is maintained. Get the regulator.

A computer is not required for diving as you can use tables and a watch. The plus side of a computer is that it gives you a depth gage, timer and log all in one package.

My personal order for equipment purchase;
Mask @ fins
BC or BP/wing
Suit, wet or dry
Gages, bottom timer or computer
Yes, I do have a mask, fins, boots, snorkel weight belt all properly fitted. My intention is to begin to dive more locally (Great Lakes St.Lawrence) as well as have an excuse to dive more abroad. After having a poorly performing regulator on my cert. dives, I guess I feel that I am more comfortable being personally responsible for the maintenance and performance of the equipment I need to dive.
Yes, I do have a mask, fins, boots, snorkel weight belt all properly fitted. My intention is to begin to dive more locally (Great Lakes St.Lawrence) as well as have an excuse to dive more abroad. After having a poorly performing regulator on my cert. dives, I guess I feel that I am more comfortable being personally responsible for the maintenance and performance of the equipment I need to dive.

Personally, I can see folks going either way on the computer/regulator for first purchase arguement. Sure, you can dive without a computer, but most computer divers wouldn't. For me, the deciding factor would be whether or not I could rent a decent reg from a local LDS when travelling. If not, buy a regulator.

I'm a computer geek from a long time back (non-diving computers, mid-80s), so I _really_ wanted a computer with an interface to download my dives and have nice records of all my dives (cleaner than my handwritten dive logs, anyway).

Either way, you probably can't make a bad decision, since you'll eventually get both once you have the capital. A good wrist computer is cheaper than a good regulator+octo setup, so that might be a deciding factor as well.

2 final pieces of advice: Don't buy an air only computer. Once you've done your research, don't skimp on your equipment to get the whole kit faster. It's cheaper to buy only 1 reg, 1 BC, 1 computer, etc. than it is to buy another later on because you hate the features/abilities you conceded just to get one at a lower price.
I am a new diver and am considering my first equipment purchase. I am considering either a dive computer (suunto mosquito or stinger) or a regulator (Atomic B2) Given that I will be able to only get one or the other, which would you recommend a computer or a regulator as the most appropriate first purchase.

My advice is to get the Atomic B-2! It is a great regulator that you'll learn to love! :wink:
Thanks for the help, I think I will be getting the regulator
I am a new diver and am considering my first equipment purchase. I am considering either a dive computer (suunto mosquito or stinger) or a regulator (Atomic B2) Given that I will be able to only get one or the other, which would you recommend a computer or a regulator as the most appropriate first purchase.

I've yet to buy all of my equpment, so I'm thinking about this
issue too.

I think it all depends on if you have access to good quality rental regulators. I'm lucky. I guess, because I can get as-new rental reg.
that has a Suunto computer in the console.

But if you can't rent a regulator you can trust then you would
want to buy one first

But you may want a computer first because they take time to
learn how to use and you need to read the manual. So while
you _can_ use any rental regulator you can't just pick up any
old random computer and know how to use it.

Price may help you deside. Maybe there is a sale on one or
the other. For example the Aqualung/Apeks $100 rebate
that will end in August.

I bought a BCD first because they have to fit well and be the
type you like (weight integrated or not, back inflate or jacket
type) So if the style or fit of the rental BCDs is "wrong"
you may want a BCD before a reg or computer. That's what
I got.

Bottom line is there are many factors, no best answer.
Thanks for the help, I think I will be getting the regulator

I can recommend getting the regulator first.
I didn't buy a reg first only because I got a good deal on the suit.
Very simple: If your reg dies on you, you may die too, we don't do so well underwater without air :wink:
If your computer dies on you, you continue the dive with your analog instruments or abort the dive-no stress.
You chose a very high quality reg, which is of course very expensive too. Since you are going to dive in rather cold water, you may want to consider a reg that is not a piston but has a membrane first stage and possibly even an evironmently sealed first stage.
IMHO you could get a reg that is not worse in the performance but much cheaper (If you are paying MSRP) and this could even allow you to buy a reg and a computer at once.
As for a computer, there are many on the market. Suunto makes good computers and it should be a nitrox computer because sooner or later, you'll want to upgrade.
You may even want to consider getting yourself a well fitting suit before a computer unless the rental ones fit you very well. You'll be diving in colder water and adeqate thermal protection is very important.
Just my 2 cents, :wink:
How I bought my gear:
semidry neoprene suit
regs with analog instruments
all the other small parts came somewhere in between

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