I've decided that my first major purchase is going to be a dive computer. I've started a little bit of research but still a little confused. I think that I'd like an air integrated console computer. It doesn't have to be wireless. I wish I had enough money for the Atomic Colbalt but that one costs about 3-4x then my budget:depressed:. I don't really know much about the different brands such as their different features and qualities. I know that I'd like a computer that I can grow with through AOW, nitrox etc. I'm not too intrested into getting into tech. If I could get some recommendations about them, that would be great! If you could give examples as why you like that brand and what kind of features it has, as well as a ball park price range, it would help my quest a lot! Now having said that I'd like an AI console, I'd also be open to a non AI wrist computer if it fits in the budget better.