Presuming a gag strap that has a lip shield (like the rEvo one), if the diver passes out as a result of toxing or hypercapnia (from overexertion - not a breakthrough), why would you not think they might live for an indeterminate amount of time, while passed out, simply because the loop is breathable, in their mouth, and not flooded?
I read the whole thread. I did not read anything that was at odds with the possibility that a gag strap could *possibly* have kept her alive until she was found.
As above. When people simply pass out, they don't usually stop breathing (I don't think). Why should it be different under water? If they loop stays in and sealed against the diver's lips, and the nose stays occluded by a mask, it seems entirely possible that SOME conditions could result in a diver passing out but continuing to live for an indeterminate amount of time.
In particular, for someone who toxes, even without a buddy, if they are found on the bottom at 80 feet, an hour later, but the loop is in their mouth and not flooded, why is it that unlikely for them to survive? Why is it that likely that they would embolize if they happened to float to the surface? DCS? Sure. Lung overexpansion? Why?
FWIW, the rEvo mouthpiece/lip shield/gag strap does a pretty good job of holding the mouthpiece in and maintaining a seal. When I want to vent gas from my loop, completely relaxing my mouth and exhaling does not work. The gag strap keeps the lip shield in place and the seal is maintained. I have to go head up, to get my mouth to be the highest point in the loop, THEN relax my mouth as much as I can, tilt my head to the side, and then exhale. Even then, I can't get all the gas out. I don't think I could flood the loop on purpose, with the gag strap in place.
The dil cylinder was air. But, is it confirmed that that cylinder was what she was actually using for her dil (versus using that for wing and using her offboard TX20/20 for dil)? Not that it makes a material difference to her ppO2....
Sorry to be blunt but anyone who enters the water intending to do a solo dive to 300ft carrying 2X40s of bailout and air diluent is not very likely to take the precaution of wearing a gag strap.