I have seen those Mares Fins- My bad- Do you really like them better than Jet Fins?
And do they have the same Buckles as the Quatros?
Hey JP,
Now it is I who have to plead ignorance...Who makes the Jet fins and what's their configuration? I've really only dived with the Mares and my former fins, huge, heavy, clunking things with an odd design incorporating the foot pocket below the fin blade with hinges at the sides of the pocket to connect to the blade. Got em from a Herrington catalogue back in my snorkeling days. Can't remember the brand name, but it's one of the major manufacturers (was it OceanMaster??)
My Volos have the standard Mares buckles, with the cam closures and slide locks. I've had no trouble with them but I've seen other folks who've had the clasp assembly pop out of the peg built into the side of the fin body and had a hard time popping it back in. Also, the slide locks can be a bit tricky to unlock when you've doing the figure four bucking bronco routine on the ladder in heavy seas...