Fins split or paddles??

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Okay before I start let me say that I did use the search option and I am now more confused than I was before. I was looking at fins at the dive shop yesterday and I don't understand. I have never used splits at all. So I can't use a judgement call so I ask those of you that have. My instructor hates them, and has advised me against them. But the dive shop several different people have suggested them though. They have said that I would use less energy with the splits. I just wouldn't be winning any speedraces with them. Don't need to be fast diving anyways I might miss something that I wanted to see.
SO, What is the points pros and cons to the splits over paddles. I do hope that this doesn't start a arguement and a war on here. LOL!!!:D

Thanks everyone as I ask your advise in my endeavors to obtain equipment.

Splitfins, hands down. Having dove with both, the splits swim MUCH easier and faster...contrary to what you've heard, I think. They are so much more efficient. I have Genesis Blitz and my husband has Atomics. Check out this link to better understand the physics of split fins.

To each, his own...but me and hubby agree...Splitfins.
Splits are MUCH more efficient in most situations. It takes a slightly different kick to make them work right - most people that dislike them never got the kick right.
Not all splits are created equal - go with the Atomic or Apollo. Everything else out there is a less than perfect copy and you won't get the performance.
We use them with no problem for lots of "high performance" tasks - buddy tows through the surf etc.
Here's a little write up by Larry and Joe at ScubaToys on the difference between splits and paddle.

I have used both, with the proper kick with both. Splits are okay. They do allow you to move through the water with less effort. But as you said you aren't looking to do any fast diving. Paddles do give you more maneuverability and control than you can get with splits. It's not impossible, but it is very difficult to fin backwards and turn in place with split fins. Also, splits don't work very well in currents. They're just not designed for it. Like I said, I have used both. I have also sold my splits and dive paddles exclusively now.

Now, my popcorn is almost done, so I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the show now... :D
Generally (dangerous word, I know) the benefits of both fins are purported to be:

Easier on legs (Fewer muscle cramps)

Control and precision (for a variety of kicks)
"torque" (better in currents)
Generally (dangerous word, I know) the benefits of both fins are purported to be:

Easier on legs (Fewer muscle cramps)

Control and precision (for a variety of kicks)
"torque" (better in currents)

Perhaps the variety of kicks rings true... with the splits, I still do all the kicks I want...

But the paddle better in a current thing... not buying that. Here's the story on that:
My personal preference is the paddle fins. I find them a lot easier for control and mobility especially if in a wreck or general overhead environment.

I have used the scubapro splits and found them very good but not so great on the old frog kick or sculling. But if I was to buy splits I would look at either Oceanic or Tusa (Tusa being my personal preference).

The paddles I use are the Turtle fins or the Scubapro equivalent. They are both excellent fins and yes they are old but tried and tested! The other reason I prefer this type of paddle fin is the straps are very robust whereas with a lot of fins that you get these days they are crappy plastic ones that tend to break or come loose when stressed!!
I may be the wrong person to chime in on this subject, I have never used a paddle type fin. I have a pair of atomic splits for warm water diving, which I loved to death. With my dry suit, and rock boots I cannot fit in my size large atomics. My lds had me try a pair of Scubapro Twin Jets (another pair of splits). The twin jets feel much more powerful than even my atomics. My first dives with my atomics in Hawaii, I constantly found myself catching up to my instructor and his paddles all the time. Albeit keeping with his kick cycles as close as possible. I love the splits because I feel i can keep the same speed with less effort.
Splits are quicker and if speed is your thing then get a pair but if you are like me and like to take it easy, pootle about, take a photo and do a little wreck diving then I would always use the paddles. The other thing that I tend to find with splits is that they are longer which can be an inconvenience in an enclosed environment.
Go to your LDS and try both types in the water!! As you can quickly tell, there is no easy answer to your question and what it boils down to is YOUR personal preference.

After hearing all the "splits are the next best thing to sliced bread" talk, I went to my LDS to try them. I tried 3 different pairs in the pool and HATED every single one of them. I found them floppy feeling and difficult to control. Thus when my old paddle fins finally died, I didn't even bother checking out the splits again and went straight to paddle fins. Okay, even with the choice narrowed down, it took me a long time and trying 5 different fins in the water to decide on what paddles I wanted.

Take your time, try EVERYTHING you can then make your decision.

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