Fingers & Toes in 40 degrees

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Rick Inman:
Ended up ordering them online and they arrived today. Just got back from a night dive, water temp. 38f. They worked GREAT! 46 miniutes and my hands stayed warm the entire time! Kind of a hassle, so as soon as the temp. gets back up to 48 degrees, I'll retire them until next winter. In the mean time, it's great to have warm hands.
BTW, here's the site I bought them at:https:
Hey Rick - are you still using these? How have they worked for you?
One extra tip on that post I just made-- if you try this set up you should tape off a loop at the battery pack where the connection to the wiring harness is, so that you can't twist and accidentally unplug from the batteries. They won't be much good to you if that happens...
Rick Inman:
EXACTLY what I've been doing for my toes. It helps. Up to 45 min. before the pain begins. However, my FINGERS still start to really hurt after 20 mins. I've put the toasti-hands in my gloves, and they help with the palm area, but do nothing for the fingers. As our water gets colder and colder, it gets worse and worse. I added a fleece liner under the other one and that helps (I tried one hand with, and one without) but I'm still in pain after 20 mins, and for 30 mins after the dive. I finally asked the Doc and he said I probably have some syndrome I can't pronounce that basically means, poor circulation. There are meds, but I don't car for the side effects. The Doc agrees.
Last week diving in the Puget Sound in warm 48 degree water it was great with the two liners. However, back here in 36 degrees the pain is back.
My wife went on line and found some battery heated glove liners ($50.00) that are really made for motorcycle riders and a 12 volt plug-in, but they also come with a battery pack for D sized batteries, so today we're going down to the local Harley shop to check 'em out. I'll keep you posted!
BTW, SB, as per your other post, hope you find one too! :approve_2

Ditto for me - everything warm except finger tips in these temps. The link posted above does not work. Can you find that shop again and post the link?


Rick Inman:
Water temp:40F

In my dry suit I am warm and comfy. Except my fingers and toes after 30 minutes. I mean, I don't even need to check my bottom time. Everything is good, and then at exactly 30 mins my fingers and toes start to get cold. At 40 mins they go numb and then start to hurt.
I'm wearing the Smurf dry-gloves with liners (which keep the rest of my hands just fine). My socks are 2 layers: polypro liners and fleece (which keep my feet warm, but not the toes!).
I often raise my hands or feet to push warm argon up to them.
Nothing is too tight; circulation is good.
I've tried polypro liners with my gloves. No difference.
I've tried more (or thicker) socks. No difference.
The LDS owner says, "Heck, 30 minutes in 40 degree water in December is long enough."
No! I want warm fingers and toes for the entire dive!
Can anyone help????

Is your hood a wet or dry style? Your body will sacrifice hands and feet to maintain core and brain warmth. Keep your head warm and your feet/hands should be OK.

Mea culpa ... did not realize until after I posted that this thread began in 2003.
Ditto for me - everything warm except finger tips in these temps. The link posted above does not work. Can you find that shop again and post the link?



Matt, the link for that heated glove liner which was originally being discussed is dead. But the manufacturer is Kreamer Sports, and I included the link for that company's homepage in my first post here.

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