Thanks for the replies everyone. This is all tremendously helpful!
Let me answer some questions:
. But I will absolutely play with different fins, and different trim weights. I'm hesitant to adjust the harness too much because it's, you know, "instructor approved". But I'll need a thicker wetsuit for north east diving anyway, so I might have to adjust a bit.
I don't deal with failure particularly well. Not in the sense that I lash out, claim I'm the best and demand a pass. It's the opposite - I fill myself with self doubt - am I good enough, do I belong here, why am I dong this, look how easy it is for the other guy. That sort of stuff. Not helpful thoughts when you're trying to do a valve drill
Logically, I know this is dumb, which is why I'm not giving up and why I posted this and will find teammates and continue improving. But emotions aren't always logical.
So a lot of the preparation I need will be mental and out of the water.
The team aspect was my favorite part of the whole experience. It was so cool to solve little problems together as a team. Also, my teammate was great, super helpful, hope we get to dive again together some day.
Looking back, I probably should've done a single tank. I found this really helpful page - Course Progressions | Wet Rocks Diving a little too late and had already committed in my mind to using doubles, bought the wing and everything.
I did fail, no provisional. I don't think attitude was the reason. I touch on it a a little above. It's a little weird to admit to strangers on the internet but I wasn't mentally and emotionally prepared to last the whole class and completely burned myself out by the end.
Let me answer some questions:
We did! The tricky part was to find position of trim weights that worked both with full and empty tanks. One day I felt pretty good with trim weight and empty tanks, but the next day felt pretty feet heavy again with full tanks.Just wondering, didn't you have a video debrief after every dive? I'm surprised the kicking wasn't pointed out to you on video after the first dive, and some brainstorming on possible reasons discussed.
Not in class, but I did two more days of diving the weekend before the class and tried this and was very much feet heavy.Did you do a static trim test where you become neutral a foot or so above the bottom and stretch out, relax and see if you start rotating?
Good point! I thought about equipment vs skill problem. At my level, I assume everything is a skill problemAs others already pointed out, you are attempting to use skills for fixing a problem with your equipment. Which is wrong: fix your equipment!

Not so much to get the skills up to par. It's mostly to prepare mentally and make sure I have enough gas in the tank so I don't burn out by the end again.You say that you might need another year or two to get to the pass level.
I don't deal with failure particularly well. Not in the sense that I lash out, claim I'm the best and demand a pass. It's the opposite - I fill myself with self doubt - am I good enough, do I belong here, why am I dong this, look how easy it is for the other guy. That sort of stuff. Not helpful thoughts when you're trying to do a valve drill

So a lot of the preparation I need will be mental and out of the water.
Yeah, we were two students, one instructor. The other student was a tech/cave/rebreather diver with significantly more experience. It was his first GUE class so we both kinda struggled at the beginning. I'm pretty sure he got a tech pass because he was talking about redoing his cave training by taking cave 1 with the same instructor in the fall.Was there a significant difference in skills between you and the other two?
The team aspect was my favorite part of the whole experience. It was so cool to solve little problems together as a team. Also, my teammate was great, super helpful, hope we get to dive again together some day.
I was in double AL80s with a canister light - the full tech configuration. Not because I had any hope of getting a tech pass but because I want to dive this way eventually and you know "beginning with the end in mind" and all.I couldn't find anything about what gear you were in
Looking back, I probably should've done a single tank. I found this really helpful page - Course Progressions | Wet Rocks Diving a little too late and had already committed in my mind to using doubles, bought the wing and everything.
@overthinking_diver, out of curiosity, did you get a fail or a provisional?
By the way, if you got a fail because of bad attitude - that would probably be a red flag for me
I did fail, no provisional. I don't think attitude was the reason. I touch on it a a little above. It's a little weird to admit to strangers on the internet but I wasn't mentally and emotionally prepared to last the whole class and completely burned myself out by the end.