Thanks for the fin suggestions. II'm pretty confident I'll be able to keep them up in trim with the right body tension after ~20-50 more dives. Especially with a thicker wetsuit and eventually with a drysuit.
The attitude from GUE instructors towards the Novas was ... not too positive

. I don't want to speak for instructors but I got the feeling that if someone shows up with Novas they will be strongly encouraged to switch fins.
Please not that I am NOT a GUE instructor ( I am a CMAS *** instructor).
But I am one of the few certified finned swimming instructors.
Se please take what follows with a grain of salt.
First, your attempt to use "body tension" for fixing a trim unbalance problem.
As others already pointed out, you are attempting to use skills for fixing a problem with your equipment. Which is wrong: fix your equipment! When everything is properly balanced you will be able to stay in every attitude without effort (not just horizontal: different environments require different attitudes, and being locked in horizontal-only position is also wrong).
You should be able to keep your body in any orientation (included horizontal) while perfectly relaxed, without effort. Keeping a "body tension" looks very bad to me, as when **** happens and you loose body control you will loose your trim.
The second point is that "one fin for all people and all tasks" is definitely a wrong concept, clashing with the DIR phylosophy.
DIR stands for "do it right".
It means proper behaviour and proper equipment tailored to the task, it does not mean standardising strictly everything for everyone.
Every human is built differently. Legs are different. The optimal fin for you is different from the optimal fin for me.
Furthermore the amount of drag also affects the choice of the optimal fin. I have different fins for snorkeling, for free diving, for recreational warm water scuba diving, and for winter diving in cold water.
I have also a pair short and snappy for the swimming pool...
So I change fins according to the task.
I owned the Jetfins, both the original very elastic ones from Beuchat, and later their worse more rigid copy by Scubapro.
But in the end I switched to other brands and models...
Hower DIR(GUE) also means team diving and some standardization of procedures and equipment across the team.
This inevitably brings to compromises and sub-optimal choices, usually the team must align to procedures and equipment dictated by weaker ring of the chain, the worst diver of the team.
So you must discuss these issues with the other members of your DIR team, and accept to use something not perfectly optimal for you.
This indeed never involves fins, in my opinion, as these are very personal items, and, as said, every diver is different and requires different fins.
When I worked as a finned swimming instructor, a significant part of my job was helping students to select the optimal fins for each of them.
A good instructor should do the same; imposing the same crap, heavy and inefficient old-style Jetfins to every one sounds like a very bad idea, and indicates an instructor with poor knowledge of fins.
PS: you could find interesting what I posted in this other thread: Post in thread 'Scubapro Jet Fins, white, XL, no hole in front of fin'
Wanted - Scubapro Jet Fins, white, XL, no hole in front of fin