I think the dive world (for the most part) has a different make up of people than that of the rest of the world in general. Diving is not cheap so that rules out many people with lower income being able to enjoy the sport. I think a lot of petty theft offenders, not all, would fall into the non diving bracket. And I would think any diver who has ever lost anything would be more apt to feel for someone else losing something. Those same people might not return something found while they aren't on a dive trip, but it's different while diving. You share commonality with them.
Maybe you haven't come across a lost item while diving yet. For me it's exciting to know that I can recover something and get it back to it's owner. Part of the joy in the recovery is the joy of the owner upon return. It never occurs to me to keep it to myself.
Lastly even if someone wanted to keep something they found how are they going to come back up on a boat with a big rig like that and everyone not know they didn't take it down with them?
Granted, my diving experience is limited to two LOB weeks a few boat dives making up 1/2 of my dives and a bunch of shore dives the other half. I do not have that big of a sample on divers. I do agree, they generally are a great bunch. But just one bad apple can ruin it of course. By my life experience I can't say anything other than that I would be quite happy if someone returned my camera to me.
I recall the thread (not finding it) on a busted wealthy diver making it a sport to steal other divers gear at dive lockers... I seem to think on Bonaire (where I did many of my shore dives, had a good experience, but also left nothing to chance, but because I went there I recall that thread)
Anyway, I also don't think I wrote anything that should have you stipulate that might have never found or returned anything. I thought I pretty much explained that I very much would return it if I found it.. and I would be happy to do it...
I get what you are saying so. I may even feel and hope the same way. Not in a very trusting way so. It just takes one bad apple ... and during non diving times at least, I've just seen too much...
Wondering: if you noticed someone bringing a camera on board that you have reason to think might not be theirs, what would you do?
I mean, you would not have left it down there. You have no real reason to question their morals or honest intentions... What would you do?
What is the right thing to do to find the owner? Giving it to the operator? Local police station? Posting on SB (where presumably a small percentage of divers may see it in the short period it is new and high up in searches? Sure looking at the pics and seeing if there are clues there. Some have the first pic always their contact info, some label their gear, some do both... But in the absence of that, and in the absence of an official "found goods bureau", what is the right thing to do?
I mean the chances of finding the owner are there, but not that great...
In summary, again if anyone returned my gear to me I would just be really happy and grateful... and would show it.