The OP has been preserved for posterity, since it was quoted in
post #3
According to that quote it was about finding and returning, not a deliberate salvage operation. And if I were in that situation, I'd feel really uncomfortable if someone else were to demand a
finder's fee ransom for returning gear that I accidentally found.
Duh, the magic behind "click to expand"...
@Storker, how do you make that link linking to an exact post? (what's the difference in "doing" in making it link to the thread / the OP and a particular other post).
So, after reading that - and of course the owners perspective missing, if I had lost that rig (and not set it down there, weoghted and labelled for a tome lapse or such ... (a mainstream dive site probably would be a dumb spot for that...)) and if I had been able to get it back that way, I would have just happily paid and be elated it wasn't gone for good. (Edit: Very happy! because, by my life experience a far lower percentagevof people is as honest as the percentage proclaiming so in this thread - just my experience).
Had I found the camera as described, no harm done and no dives lost and the boat spent no extra time etc... I would have asked the DM to stop negotiating, return the camera and leave it up to the owner if and what he wants to do. (... if I knew what was going on language wise). But I would have accepted a reward of offered.
Had a dedicated retrieval dive been done, the boat waiting around for it, that actually costing a lost dive etc... then that's different, but that's not as described.
Overall, as described, not interjecting me, I see no real problem or issue with what transpired. If amything, I would tend to think that if "negotiating" is what happened here it is an embarassing testament to the owners mindset for not having offered a thank you gift out of his own motivation. Personally, just observing, I would find that considerably lower than the DM going with what he says is local custom, whether it really is or not...
... but that's me saying that as a private individual... if I was a shop owner there, I might have to cater to the expectations of a majority of all my clients...