Finalized move date!

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Reaction score
Savannah, GA
# of dives
200 - 499
I will be leaving Oklahoma City on the 29th, and arriving in Savannah around the 1st.

So it's time to retire my Avatar
Goodbye Oklahoma

Hello Georgia
Hehe, this new beginning is a supprise in itself!
Well, I'm still in OKC.......bummer.....probably leaving on Thursday. I had to take an emergency trip to Cleveland this past week.....really bad timing if you ask me.
Ok, I made it into Savannah morning. That was a LONG drive from Oklahoma City towing the boat. Hopefully I can get out and diving soon.
Welcome to Savannah. I saw your post in the Savannah Scuba Yahoo Group. You'll find lots of local divers there. We're all gearing up for spring. Of course some of them have been diving all year around.

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