Suggestion Finalized Banning Procedure

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On January 15, 2003, 7 users were banned from Scubaboard. Most of the moderators and a few of our users were not satisfied with the process, and so we began discussing the hows and whys in the moderator’s forum. Subsequently we even opened up a new forum for our users to be able to express their thoughts and ideas.

In formulating the new process, we wanted to ensure to resolve a few issues germane to the larger issue. These would be communication, fairness, consistency and moderator responsibility. To this end we have come up with the following process:

Temp bans (5 days) can be called for by any moderator and are automatic. This can be in response to any violation of the TOS (moderator’s discretion), harassment of others, flaming others, or trolling. The moderator must send a notice (even though an administrator has to flip the switch) to the affected user’s e-mail and detail why the suspension was initiated. These should be rare and can be conditional.

Perm Bans are considered when the user exceeds 2 suspensions in less than 6 months, openly challenges authority (not just asking a question), threatens anyone in any way, or has blatantly violated the TOS. A perm ban requires 8 moderator’s approvals or a 2/3s majority of the mods voting, which ever is more. A temp ban should be called for first and then perm banning should be discussed for at least 5 days. The mod who initiated the temp ban is in charge of the process. They will also set the time for a vote (at least 5 days) and send the appropriate message if so needed. These should be very rare and can be conditional.

Under no circumstances will Scubaboard moderators or administrators disclose reasons or rationale for any disciplinary action to a third party. We view this as a privacy issue and are committed to protect the privacy of the board's users at all times. While we do respect a user's desire to request a review of the status of their account, we specifically forbid the use of sock puppets (multiple user accounts) or another user's account to make your case. All such requests must be sent to for consideration. At this point of the process, we will not feel obliged to correspond any further unless we change your status. All moderators and administrators will forward any and all such requests sent to them personally as well.

Perm bans can be re-visited by any mod at any time and only need a simple majority of the mods voting to be rescinded.

As with any “invention” you are never sure how it works until tested. So it was suggested and then decided by the mods to subject the January 15 bans to the new process. 4 of the original 7 had perm bannings initiated and those are being discussed. While we hoped to have 3 of those 4 finalized today, server issues have made that impossible. However, we can report that Cobaltbabe, Raven C and 00Scuba have been subsequently restored to full user status. We welcome them back into the Scubaboard fold, and extend our sincerest thanks to those users who gave us input into this issue.
Well then your officially a liar and a troll.

Was it really necessary to take a shot at the idiots you bang your head against all the time?

Wow, that was necessary and in good taste. It's the only post you pasted where you actually mention diving, and you take the opportunity to bash those know-it-alls.

Well isn't that nice.
Just when you think this thread can't sink any lower... :rolleyes:

Was it really necessary to take a shot at the idiots you bang your head against all the time?

Wow, that was necessary and in good taste. It's the only post you pasted where you actually mention diving, and you take the opportunity to bash those know-it-alls.

Well isn't that nice.

I think we all feel the same way as #1 from time to time. Who here isn't aware of the signal-to-noise problem?

For #2, I reviewed the names of everyone who admitted a blooper, and I notice your not one of them. Too much ego and pride to admit one? Must be why your taking it so sensitive.

For #3 I wanted the person to know they may run into someone there, but I didnt want to say who because they might actually end up liking the person. I've spoken to several people at the old Milbrook Quarry and they all felt the same way about this person.
So now you can be banned for trolling? Well who the hell decides what is a troll and what is a legitimate question? It's pretty obvious, when someone is making many of those other violations, but what some people perceive as trolling sometimes isn't. Post just about anything in a DIR vs. none DIR thread you're bound to have at least one person accuse you.

Just look at my post from a while back about the cost of DIR config vs. non-DIR. I was looking at the $$$ I've spent on this sport since I started, and really just questioning something I had seen posted in other threads.

Immediately I was pounced on by by every response and called a troll. Maybe they should all be banned for flaming me? Wait a minute there were a few mods in there too (I'm sure they can't be banned?), so I guess should have been banned for asking a legitimate question. And then another user for actually defending me probably should have been banned too!

You're right. Sometimes an honest question can look like a troll. Did you read the banning process? It takes a majority of voting mods to ban you and that's after a couple of suspensions. In this process there's plenty of oportunity for you to speak for yourself. I don't think you have to worry about being banned because some one mistakenly thinks one of your posts is a troll.
Did you read the banning process? It takes a majority of voting mods to ban you and that's after a couple of suspensions.

Not trying to stir it up but I'm curious. Were the three or four people who were banned recently to start this whole mess (then I think reinstated) given these pre banishment suspensions first ?

Also is there a thread that explains what they did to justify the discipline?
So now you can be banned for trolling? Well who the hell decides what is a troll and what is a legitimate question? It's pretty obvious, when someone is making many of those other violations, but what some people perceive as trolling sometimes isn't. Post just about anything in a DIR vs. none DIR thread you're bound to have at least one person accuse you.

Just look at my post from a while back about the cost of DIR config vs. non-DIR. I was looking at the $$$ I've spent on this sport since I started, and really just questioning something I had seen posted in other threads.

Immediately I was pounced on by by every response and called a troll. Maybe they should all be banned for flaming me? Wait a minute there were a few mods in there too (I'm sure they can't be banned?), so I guess should have been banned for asking a legitimate question. And then another user for actually defending me probably should have been banned too!

You actually raise a very interesting point where an innocent third party in the DIR Forum gets beat up by others whoes primary purpose may be to inflame and fight. The solution is used with a great deal of success in other Communities. It's not unique to Scuba Communities as folks in say Golf Communities have the same problem in a given Forum among many, with folks pouncing and fighting over a given golf club brand and or golf course.

From what I see your solutions are as follows:

1. The entire Forum is permanently placed in "Post Moderation" mode. No post is ever visible/live until a Mod has looked at it. Allow 3 days for the review. This usually permanently fixes the issues and immediately eliminates problems. It also provides the Mods with the opportunity to invoke "abuse control, warning, bans, and such from these posts/members which never go live. vB has this feature built in.

2. If Number 1 does not fix the issue and it usually does then the "trouble spot" is closed forever.

Good luck to all.
Or get rid of the "DIR" forum all together. Everyone has an opinion on how so really who is right? More fights there than any other place when really its all about common sense. The most narrow minded people know it all...DIR.
Or get rid of the "DIR" forum all together. Everyone has an opinion on how so really who is right? More fights there than any other place when really its all about common sense. The most narrow minded people know it all...DIR.

Gasp, but I disagree with you. I am ALL for the DIR forum. Anyone who goes in there picking a fight with DIR gets what the deserve. They honestly do deserve a place to discuss in good faith their diving philosophy.

Now I also understand the concept that DIR shouldn't be restricted to just the DIR forum, but I can't help but wonder how we can achieve a better balance of debate without the level of flaming that we get into.

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