[ Another novel from Nate ]
Originally posted by Tavi
.........If I was spending the $ for DIRF. I think I would get more out of the course if I had the recomended equipment.
Honestly, having taken the course, the in-water difference between using 'standard' blade-type fins and Jets is so minimal (to the untrained user) that it's a joke. Unless you've mastered the fin kicks, you won't notice the difference in fins. Even my DIR-F instructors couldn't take advantage of the main kicking stroke that cause the Jets to shine about other blade-type fins (reverse frogs). My blades are about 90% as effective as Jets in all of the other kicks.
Also, there are *way* too many other things to worry about that you will be probably be changing that I personally consider the fin selection to be so far down the list that it's not worth worrying about.
Case in point:
Since DIR-F in November of last year in Seattle, my wife and I have *completely* replaced almost all our dive gear. (multiply the below * 2, since we're both using 'standard' DIR configuration equipment.)
* DUI CLx450 drysuits (no more wetsuit diving unless it's
really warm water).
* Halcyon 36# Pioneer BP/Wings setup
* Turtle fins for drysuit
* Apeks TX100 reg sets, with long hoses and bungeed backups
I've spent thousands of dollars to replace our current setup with a DIR setup. However, I'm *still* diving with air-integrated hoseless computers, and in warm water I'm *still* using my USD-Blades. I could have replaced both if I thought it made me safer, and/or I thought it would enhance my diving. The only reason for the new fins was because the Turtles (Jets for my wife) have larger foot-pockets and weigh more than the Blades, which make it easier to keep nice trim. (The blades are neutral, which in a drysuit make them more suceptible to a feet-up position when I over-inflate my drysuit).
My opinion is that money would be much better spent buying $70 worth of airfills vs. replacing perfectly functional fins.
Finally, less it be said that I think Jets are worthless. There are good reasons for using Jets vs. other fins, but unless the diver needs new fins *or* is diving in the situations where the Jets are needed, then why bother?
DIR-F is intended for a 'Fundamental introduction to technical diving'. However, if you are taking the course (like I was) as an 'Advanced Diving course' and don't have a desire to do cave/techincal diving in the immediate future (possibly as a result of the course) stick with what works.
I'd venture to guess that well over 80% of the divers that take DIR-F are not ready for advanced diving, and have much bigger things to worry about than whether or not they can do
Plus, those folks who are doing technical diving will point out, plan on spending
HUGE bucks if you really want to get into techincal diving. One can easily drop 10-20K on equipment and training, so stick with those parts of the DIR equipment configuration that are applicable/beneficial to your diving situation.
Again, stick with your Mares. Spend the $70 diving your brains out before the course, which will prepare you way more than changing your fins, plus it'll be a lot more enjoyable.