FI or CCV? (somewhat long)

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near Kingston, ON
A true vacation. Last week of January. No wife. No child. As many dives as I can possibly do in 1 week of tropical bliss. I have read most/all the past threads and this is the scenario.

The financials ...
The only package deal from Canada is to FI. $1600 Cdn ($1300 US) gets me the flight, 1 week accomodation (with the extra for being a single), food, etc. and I just have to pay for the diving. I figure it will cost me about $300 US to dive for the week (boat and shore) for a grand total of $1600 US. Based on 3 boat dives per day (+ shore?) as per the package extras.

The charter flight is $925 ($750 US) to Roatan. Add CCV's rate of $1050 US for the accomodation (based on being single) and diving for a grand total of $1800 US. Based on the CCV website which I think includes 4 tanks (boat) + all shore possible.

I can expect to knock off about $600 US either way due to some loyalty points I will cash in.

The person ...
Reasonably fit, OW diver with mostly tropical experience. Solo tendencies with an intertest in UW photo. Not yet Nitrox certified - so going on air only. No preference for shore or boat diving as long as I am wet and breathing. Cast iron stomach, gourmet taste buds but willing to eat anything as long as it keeps me diving. No real desire to booze it up every night - would prefer night diving instead. Final day would probably be spent doing a canopy tour or dolphin snorkel.

I am leaning towards CCV at this point as the $200 doesn't make that much difference when I paid almost that to do 2 dives in Belize. Which has the most accomodating dive op? While I don't have AOW/DM/techie status I do not want to be placed a group that will kill my bottom time.

I have dived with CCV and was very happy (and I am hard to please). Never been to FI but whilst at CCV FI looked dead never saw more than a couple of people on the shore or a dive boat. One advantage to CCV the wreck is in your front yard = shore dive day or night.
Two thumbs up for CCV, you wont be disapointed, except when you have to leave!
CCV is the place, and you will not be dissapointed. It looks like you have done your homework or prices. Have you contacted Roatan Charters? Liz will work with you on getting the best rates

Visit the CCV website if you haven't already I know they have a roomate plan that may or may not suit you. Check out their message board.

We will be there again next May have fun.
Go with CCV. They have a great setup and the best shore diving around. Since half your dives are self guided you can get all the bottom time you can handle. Below is a link to my trip report that covers CCV. With the dolphin thing, the snorkle is in a pen but if you can hold your breath you really do get a chance to interact with the dolphins. The dive is great because you get to see them move around in their natural setting.

CCV gets my vote too!
I have to say I have no idea what "FI" or "CCV" are, but that's not why I'm posting. Let me bowl you a googlie (suggest something I'm sure you haven't even considered). That is a week's diving in the Egyptian Red Sea. Phenominal diving, with visibility typically 200-300 feet. A good mixture of wrecks (there are many very interesting ones, as the Red Sea is a very important shipping route) and beautiful reef dives. And lots of large pelagics, turtles, rays, etc., etc.

For US or Canadian east coast people it's easy. Look up the British tour operators who go to the Red Sea - they all have websites. I can post a list of the main ones if anyone asks. Find either a shore-based holiday in Sharm-el-Sheik or perhaps Dahab, or a liveaboard leaving from either Sharm or Hurghada. If you're into hard core diving and aren't worried about bars and the like for a week then certainly a liveaboard. Whatever you choose, book it. Then arrange your transatlantic flight to meet it.

The economics are simple. A return flight to London from NY or Toronto is very cheap. A shore-based holiday in Sharm can sometimes be had for US$300, and always for US$500. Dahab is similar (so is Hurghada, but I don't recommend a shore-based holiday there). A liveaboard will cost more, maybe around US$1000, but remember that there is virtually nothing else to pay while you're there - all food and diving are included.

These holidays are costed London-London, and include direct charter flights to the local airport, transfers to the resort, and B&B accommodation in 4 or 5* hotels like the Hilton. Particularly in Sharm, many of these are right on the beach near "downtown", and there's a lot to do once diving's done. They are excellent (European or US standards of accommodation & food).

You want to go charter, as scheduled flights go via Cairo (the capital) and take much longer. London-Sharm direct takes around 5 hours.

So far as I'm aware there are no/few trips to the Red Sea run directly from N.A., but it is the playground of Europe just as the Caribbean is for the US. Although I have a dive center in the Caribbean I have to say that frankly the diving in the Red Sea is way better. You'll save money over what you were considering but spend a few more hours in the air. And you'll have an experience you'll be able to talk about for months - until your next visit.

A note for the cautious. Egypt is a civilised country heavily dependent on the tourist industry. It is a very safe place to go for anyone including Americans (and I suppose I should say, also for Brits now that our leader has joined in the war on Iraq). Canadians will have no problems whatsoever. And Egyptians are very welcoming and hospitable, and generally very honest.

Don't dismiss this idea out of hand. You can easily make it work and you'll be really glad you did.

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