FG Stetson Banks trip report

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OK, everyone’s been going on all the cool trips and making a report. I finely got to get some blue water diving in and thought I would report my little trip.

I took a one day trip to Stetson Banks on MV Fling. Started at 9 pm Sun finally by 10:30 everyone was aboard stowed there gear and we headed out. After an Hour an a half brief by the Capt and crew we could move about. Trip out was rough and lots of see sick people. Couldn’t sleep due to small, hard to get into berth not to mention the rough ride. I couldn’t hang out in the galley cause of all the barfing (no I didn’t get sink but lot of folks did) and smells so just hung out on the deck. Trip time out to banks was 5 hrs.

Now for the fun stuff. Got in the first dive at 7:00 made a 90’ dive 25 min bottom time. Barracuda hanging out around 30’-45’ U-bolt was around 75’. Vis was great could see the boat from the U-bolt so vis was min 75’ scouted around found the wall. Starting drop off around 80’ resisted the urge to go deeper than 90’ but was real tempting to drop to 120 or so. Lots of fish all over. I’ll have to get a book so I know what I was seeing but enjoyed the site. Getting back on the boat was a bit of fun had a current around 30’ or so and waves around 4’ so getting on the ladder took a bit of timing.

Next Dive was to 85’ bottom time 32 min. Ton of fish just all over place most around 70+ . More barracuda this time. Headed back to drop off and checked out the fish and life hiding around the top edge lots to see found a spotted ell hiding in the rocks. Current pick up a bit but had good timing getting onto and up ladder but had to wait my turn got back onboard with 290 PSI left. Was finally able to catch a snooze.

Last dive. Back to 85’ checked out more of the coral and stuff. Still tones of fish Found 2 ells hind in the rocks 1 spotted and 1 moray they were half out of the rocks and was cool to check them out. Checked out more of the smaller stuff this time saw a bristle worm and some sea urchin. Saw a puffer and a few other fish. Hope to sea a Loggerhead turtle since it was spotted by the boats dive masters on there dive but it moved on before we were able to get back in. Didn’t get to see any rays maybe next time. Exit was a bit rough and had to wait my turn again for the rope ladder. I hung on one of the drop line till my turn but was concerned as I drifted under boat and ladder had to make a couple of tries to catch the ladder and get up Sug not to try and catch ladder on the bottom as the boat heaves up and down 4’-5’ from waves don’t think it would be fun to have it come down on top of you.

All in all had a good time the crew was great just wish the boat had more room. Trip time was 5 hrs back to Freeport arrived around 9:15pm then the 1 ½ hr drive home.

Hope to have some good picture later in the week.

Have fun
It's that ladder rodeo that keeps me out of the Gulf most of the time. The conditions you describe are typical, complete with sights, sounds and smells onboard. Glad you had a good time!
I'm a little jealous - as I've just gotten back from being cancelled - once again!
You guys let me know when you want a little weather down there - and I'll reschedule again - sure to get you a storm!

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