Ken Kurtis
I would imagine there was an instructor & an additional dm . . .
"Imagine" is the key (troublesome) phrase here. Let's be careful about speculating boys & girls. It's one thing to say "these are some of the hazards that exist that might factor in". It's quite another to concoct a scenario based on pure guesswork and not facts. Doesn't do anyone any good.
Off my no-speculation soapbox (for now).
- Ken
---------- Post added December 2nd, 2012 at 04:47 PM ----------
More info from the NBC station in San Diego. They refer to it as a group dive, not a class (which doesn't mean it couldn't have been a class), and mention that the victim's buddy tried to bring her up but couldn't (and was apparently treated as a result of that attempt.) Point is that this info, if correct, is slightly different than some of the previous information. Which is why we always caution to try to avoid jumping to conclusions until all the true facts are known.
Here's the link: Diver's Body Recovered off Mission Beach | NBC 7 San Diego
- Ken
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