It was a chaotic situation, with several boats crisscrossing the water in front of ours and desperate radio messages from a different dive centre's skipper (not Scuba Mau) calling for assistance.
In fact, at that moment there were two other boats from different diving companies searching the surface for their own missing divers.
I found the body from the surface and marked the spot by dropping a weighed belt some 10 metres up current, tied to my SMB's finger spool.
We circled the spot for some minutes with my scuba gear ready to submerge, waiting for Search and Rescue (whom we never saw, either at the scene of the accident or on our way back to downtown) or a boat with either another dive professional or any other diver with sufficient enough training to assist me in the body's recovery.
Scuba Mau's boat showed up with two divers whom I know work for the company.
Apart from the skipper there were no other divers (clients) aboard.
The divers proceeded to descend and recover the victim's body.
No rescue breaths were attempted in-water (it was less than 5 minutes to an exit, i.e. their boat) or on the boat after the victim was hauled aboard bent backwards over the boat's side.
As I stood (I'm 1.80m tall) on my boat's deck some 10 to 15 metres away I saw no search for pulse or any other emergency procedure during the very brief space of time the Gaviota was within sight and before it sped off towards land.
I would be available to reply to any questions the Mexican authorities might see fit to ask me but, so far no-one has attempted to make contact with me.
Having seen the body on the reef I personally feel a huge amount of grief for a fellow diver who perished doing what she loved, and I can't even begin to imagine what her family and loved ones must be going through at the moment.
Just curious - what was your role? Are you a local Cozumel dive master?