Really, the "safety Director of the island" was your dive guide? I've been here 16 years and had a dive shop for 15 and I've never heard of a "Safety Director" here other than someone in the police force, and he certainly wouldn't be moonlighting as a dive guide. Your numbers are very high - we do NOT by any stretch have 7 - 8 dive fatalities a year, unless you're including divers renting mopeds on their off time. Sounds like you were fed some hot air.
My apologies, certainly didn't intend to upset you. My Spanish isn't the best, so maybe something about his title was lost in translation. It was several years ago. All I know was that he was directing the effort, via radio, for the search of the missing diver (his operation had nothing to do with losing the diver) and he appeared to take the responsibility pretty seriously. He told us (we were in his truck, post-dive, while he was doing this) that he had spent a lot of time organizing meetings with dive ops on the island to find ways to work together to improve dive safety. So whatever title you would give that guy is fine with me. I won't get upset.
My point was simply that it was a guy who I reasonably assumed had a pretty good idea of how many divers were in the water in Coz on a daily basis; I was just explaining my source for my rough estimate of the number of dives done each year in Coz.
Really, the "safety Director of the island" was your dive guide? I've been here 16 years and had a dive shop for 15 and I've never heard of a "Safety Director" here other than someone in the police force, and he certainly wouldn't be moonlighting as a dive guide. Your numbers are very high - we do NOT by any stretch have 7 - 8 dive fatalities a year, unless you're including divers renting mopeds on their off time. Sounds like you were fed some hot air.
You're right, there aren't 7 or 8 per year in Coz, which is great. I probably should have worded that better. The only reason I used those numbers was that someone in a previous post threw a number of 1 dive fatality in 200,000 dives is the industry norm. What I really meant to say was that given 1.5 million dives a year 7 or 8 fatalities
would be average (if all those numbers are correct.) But having far fewer than that, Coz is apparently much better than average (assuming that 1 in 200,000 is accurate.)
My point was that it's easy to underestimate how many dives are actually taking place at some place like Cozumel (which is why some people think my 1.5 million is too high...) and then misconstrue that there is a safety issue (when there really isn't one) when an accident occurs.
As for the hot air... the air I'm fed in Coz is always about the same temp as the water, which thankfully is much warmer than the water here at home.