I was the diver who found this woman, and my husband and I tried to bring her to the surface and were not able to. We tried to reconnect her BC hose so we could inflate her, she had a half tank of air. At first I just saw a tank and rig. I thought maybe it had fallen from a boat. Then as I looked closer, being carried by current, my perspective changed and I saw what looked like legs. I looked around for other divers, her head was down like she was kneeling on the reef and I thought maybe the diver was looking at something and holding a breath. But after a minute of looking, I could see there were no bubbles. I was probably 100 feet away, I saw her and had her in my sights for at least the 3 minutes it took me to get my husbands attention and swim to her. In all that time there were no bubbles, and also no sign of a struggle. Her regulator was not in her mouth. We both inflated our BCs and tried to bring her up. We were at about 35-40 feet. My husband is a trained rescue diver, but we could not revive her. I was surprised that no officials wanted a statement from us. I reported what I could to Dan. The island does not like this kind of news to get out. It bothered me greatly that she was alone.