FEB 05 Dive Reports

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Lakewood, CA
# of dives
1000 - 2499
Dive Location:
Bottom Time:
Max Depth:
Wave height:
Temp at depth:
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Tide information:
Date: Feb 1st, 2005
Dive Location: Redondo Submarine Canyon
Time: 8:30PM
Bottom Time: 45 min
Max Depth: 102 ft
Vis: 20 feet
Wave height: 2 feet
Temp at depth: 54 degrees
Surface Temp: 59 degrees
Tide information: Low tide 7:12PM, 1.8ft

Claudette and I had a great dive in the Canyon. Climbed over the dredging pipe, had an easy entry through small waves breaking right at shore. Dropped into 48 feet of water, had great vis, consistently 20ft from 30-100 ft. It seemed like every inch of the canyon was covered with some animal, it was simply amazing. (And cold at depth - brrr!).

Critters included a squid, a couple bunches of squid eggs, a sheep crab, stingray, a large rock crab, a sand crab, a horn shark, and many of the following: scorpionfish, free-swimming octopuses, purple globe crabs, adult and juvie cusk eels, brittle stars, white urchins, shrimp, swimming crabs, roughback sculpin, a family of pipefish, longspine combfish, california halibut, various unidentified crabs and sculpins, specklefin midshipman, and juvie perch.

Claudette, thank for the hot chocolate afterwards, it hit the spot!

A great start to February! Lets hope this good vis spreads everywhere...


*disclaimer* - no urchins were killed in the making of this dive report - *end disclaimer *
Date: Feb 02, 2005
Dive Location: Laguna Beach Cress Street
Time: 2:13 p.m.
Bottom Time: 55:30 MIN.
Max Depth: 28 fsw
Vis: 5-8 feet
Wave height: 1-2 ft.
Temp at depth: 57 Suunto Degrees
Surface Temp: 59 Suunto Degrees (felt more like 75 or so).
Tide information: Low Tide 10:25 AM PST 0.99 feet
High Tide 4:50 PM PST 2.46 feet

Comments: YIPIE, Back in the water again. Sean, Paul and I Entered in front of the stairs and swam out to the 3d reed. Dropped down next to the 3 reef and worked our way around it and back to shore. Spotted a few very small lobsters, too small to even think about. Sean spotted on under a rock and I put the grab on. Was working my way down the antenna when he got away. Kept looking around the site and spotted him hanging in the hole off to the side. Grabbed him and identified him by the missing antenna as the same one. Measured up with room to spar and was in a pot of boiling water by 5:00 p.m. Shawn spotted some scorpion fish under a rock in a kind of over hang area that was about 4-5 feet wide, 1 to 1.5 feet tall and 3 or 4 feet deep. I spotted a lobster in the corner in what appeared to be grabbing range about the same size as the one in my bag. I was busy feeling around trying to get a grip on him when I felt a “tingling” sensation in my hand. I pulled out of the hole quickly and took another look. It appears the lobster took exception to my dinner invitation and had gotten his friend Mr. Eel to come over via a hole a the back of the opening. So only the one bug to bring home. All in all a good dive and better than the previous attempt.
Laguna Beach, Cress & Woods Cove, 02/02/2005


Date: 02/02/2005
Site: Cress Street
Weather: Sunny beautiful day
Visibility: 5-10
Air Temp: 59
Water Temp: 57
Dive Time: 2:13pm
Bottom Time: 56:00 mins

Woods Cove:
Date: 02/02/2005
Site: Woods Cove
Weather: Sunny beautiful day
Visibility: 5-10
Air Temp: 59
Water Temp: 57
Dive Time: 4:20pm
Bottom Time: 55:00 mins

I went diving with Paul for both dives and Melvin for 1 dive.They were both shallow dives, about 1 hour each. Vis was 5-10 with some big surge in some spots. Melvin got a lobster, and we saw some nice stuff including a school of Black Croakers who were resting in a cave, a blenny of some sort, several morays for juvies to adults. Woods Cove had a lot of overhangs and some large room sized caves we explored. I think we found the "swim though" at Cress but it looked a little tight (maybe that wasn't it) so we didn't venture inside. Both sites had a lot of structure, but the vis was lower than we're used to! Both would be amazing on good days. We had a great time anyway !

Thank you for the pictures. I'm here at work wishing I'd been in the water, at least I can pretend with the pix! I haven't been in since 12/23/04 but will be on the Encore this Sunday. :monkeydan
Date: Feb 4th, 2005
Dive Location: Malibu Road
Time: 11:50AM
Bottom Time: 55 min
Max Depth: 34 ft
Vis: 8-9 feet
Wave height: 1 feet
Tide information: Low tide 12:36PM, -0.4ft

The vis is slowly coming back! but the fish didn't care, lots of them were out, along with various sea slugs, a rock crab and a thornback ray. The dive shop said several other divers were reporting very crap*y vis today all throughout malibu (5ft), so maybe I got lucky with 8-9!

Date: Feb 4th, 2005
Dive Location: Point dume pinnacles
Time: 2:40PM
Bottom Time: 47 min
Max Depth: 56 ft
Vis: 15-20 feet, sometimes more
Wave height: 1 feet
Tide information: Low tide 12:36PM, -0.4ft
Current: none

Nice dive! Cesar (who will be joining scubaboard tonight) and I had dolphins join us in the water soon after our effortless entry into lake-like conditions. Although the vis at this site is usually 25-30, it was more than adequate, exceeding 20ft in some places. No current today, no waves, lots of sun. Lots-o-dolphins. Critters spotted include lobster, octopus, spanish shawl, schools of blacksmith, various gobies, cabezon, lingcod, giant horn sharks, treefish, a sheep crab, and all the other usual hungry suspects. Oh, and I did some kelp restoration today.

Dive Location:Crescent Bay
Time:4:00 PM
Run Time: 57 mins
Max Depth:46'
Wave height:0-1'
Temp at depth:57 degrees
Surface Temp:59 degrees
Tide information: High at 6:40something
Comments: Iamjimbo met me and my buddy at North Crescent so he could finally get a dive in before he went home to Portland. Topside conditions were beautifull, but bottom conditions were dark and cold. Friedrich and I had our fish cooking HID lights, so Jim had a way to follow in the limited vis.

We traveled around the outside of the main reef and made our way over to Pinnacles. This was almost a braille dive as I only knew where I was at when we came upon any large structures and I could get my bearings. We surfaced in 6fsw right at the beach.

There is lots of silt in the water and covering all the reefs. Mild surge caused a lot of it to be suspended in the water, which made for very poor vis in the shallow areas around the reefs
Date: February 4, 2005
Dive Location: Redondo Canyon
Time: 5:40 PM
Bottom Time: 53 minutes
Max Depth: 90 fsw
Vis: 20 feet, until the last 5 minutes of the dive...then 2-8 feet
Wave height: 1 foot
Temp at depth: 55
Surface Temp: 61
Tide information: about 2 hours before 3.3 high tide
Comments:It was a beautiful spring-like night for diving the canyon: Perfect sunset into streaks of pink, orange, and red clouds beneath a blue canopy sky. "Finally Friday", and Carlos and I were off terra firma and back to the real wet-world. Dropped down into twilight water at 25 fsw just in time to see a 5 inch long swimming crab marching by carrying the nibbled remains of a 9 inch fish. Must have been the last of the big seduction dinner, because from then on it was crabby date-night...and almost everyone had a "serious date"...the only crabs walking around alone were the kids! Guess this explains why there are so many kids.... Even the dungeness crabs were in the mood. So, with decapod romance as the general background theme, we were off to the 85 foot contour line heading south toward PV. There were three darling little horn sharks, four so-ugly-they're-cute sarcastic fringeheads (One seemed to like me rubbing the top of his head, but I'm leaving the chin rubs to Scottfiji...those chomping mouths look BIG!) We found a very old octopus, probably trying to lie low on it's last night of life: It was dark red, 10-12 inches when swimming, missing a couple of tentacle tips, and moved very stiffly and slowly. It actually looked "arthritic" and old. It swam around our hands stiffly and we quickly let it settle back onto the broken kelp-holdfast we found it on. Sweet-dreams, old fella. Then we found three of the smallest octopi I've seen, very lithe and quick to ink as they jetted away, then settling on open sand, curling up arms and trying to be invisible. Several juvenile cusk eels disappearing tail-first into holes, ...romantic crabs "parked" in debris....three long spine combfish with spines down- but they quickly raised them when touched lightly; many scorpion fish; 4-inch midshipman burrowing horizontally into the mud; ...all those dating crabs.... AND THEN A 3 1/2 FOOT HORN SHARK! After all the micro stuff this guy looked humongous, just sitting on the bottom like the gorilla in the toddler playground! It moved after a while, circled, and slid right down into the mud under my light. I moved and it lifted off, circled,....and slid right down into the mud under me. I moved....and it leaped up and bumped me firmly, then turned off...turned back...and slammed into me before finally sashaying off into the depths. Guess my stealth-camo wetsuit is working! We were working step-wise up the contour lines, keeping RBT at 7 minutes, getting up to about 50 fsw, when somebody turned off the viz: From 20 feet to 5 feet in one ugly moment....and then it got really bad. Couldn't even see the crabs-dancing-the-tango-with-limbs-entwined. I expected sea-lions or some other biggish thing squirming around...but nothing....or, at least nothing visible. We set a heading back for the beach, but couldn't even make out the bottom (covered with amorous crabs and scorpion fish...separately...species lines were respected) until our lights hit it. Finally surrendered, safety stopped in dark fog at 20 fsw, and surfaced to a sky full of stars and PV looking like a lit-up Christmas tree. The wind in the parking lot had a soft warm feel to it, but hot-chocolate was served as soon as gear was stowed and dry clothes donned. What a beautiful night to get to go diving! Thanks, Carlos, for sharing in all the fun! Is there anything in the world as magical as diving??

'Til next time.

Nice Report!!! Let me know next time you are going to night dive the Canyon and I will drive up from the OC to dive with you. I love night diving there. I keep trying to convince my OC dive buddies to give it a try!

Great meeting you in San Diego last weekend. I hope you will make the February mtg.


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