Suggestion Favorite Smilies plug-in?

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At El Orans suggestion I'm posting a thread about this.

On a couple of other boards I frequent they have enabled the "favorite smilie" button. You get to choose which smilies will show up in the box to the right of a reply.

It's just a fun plug in, no big deal if it's too much of a hassle.

Is there a set number of people who have to want the plug-in before it can happen? I ask because on the other boards it just appeared one day and once people figured it out it turned out to be very popular.

Since apparently the number of people who have responded is not satisfactory...are you able to answer this question El Orans, so we can try to meet your magic number?

Thanks in advance.
It is 12 for everything else it seems.
Ok if 12 is the magic number, we have eight right now. I'm sure we can get four more.

Mike I'm counting you, is that ok?

At El Orans suggestion I'm posting a thread about this.

On a couple of other boards I frequent they have enabled the "favorite smilie" button. You get to choose which smilies will show up in the box to the right of a reply.

It's just a fun plug in, no big deal if it's too much of a hassle.


:happywave: I would!! That would be awesome!

I like them.

I want it too.

I like it a lot. I hardly use most of the 15 we have now.

As a workaround, it's not difficult to keep one's favorite smilie codes on a computer notepad or workpad. Offsite smilies are good too: Smilies Smiley Emoticons - Collection of free animated smilies, animated smiley , emoticons , smiley - emails, forum and board

Haha I had to be told how to copy & paste when I joined Scubaboard, but it's not too late. Go to bookstore, tell them you want a beginners book for Windows XP or whatever system you're running, then use it. That last part is essential.

Also add this free utility to your computer: Free Screen Capture - ScreenHunter - Best Free Screen Capture Software Home So much easier to learn and use that the Paint program you already have; quite similar to programs selling for $20.

I want this one as one of the favoutites :hmmm:

But are forgetting that this only exists in an alternate vBulletin universe.
I already responded in support a little earlier with the 'woot woot' smiley!

Ok...and Chip and I have been together long enough now that I can include him if I feel like it :D

ONESPEED would also like this feature. Now we're up to nine...getting close... :shocked2:

who else would be interested in this functionality?

I'm game.
Woohoo!!!! We almost have enough people to get something that defininately maybe does not sort of possibly does exist.

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