Favorite class

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Rescue. It validated some things I knew, pointed out things I didn't know, was both challenging and fun at the same time. It helped I took the class with some fun people...
Ok I know there is a lot of debate on which specialties is worth it ETC. But the question I have is during your classes for certs and specialties which one did you have the most fun in while diving open water :)

In terms of valuable, the best is the nitrox class. For a first timer, it can be exhausting mentally however to learn about PO2 and FO2.

Rescue diver is probably tied for most valuable as well. And with enough drill this class can be exhausting too, physically.

If you derive fun from a major challenge, then these 2 can be considered quite fun.

A divemaster course can be fun and valuable as well, since it develops the divemaster candidate into a proficient diver.

In addition to the above, I believe the stage decompression tech class is also among the most valuable and fun courses. In this class you learn to appreciate not only the NDL limits, as well as better understand NDL diving, but you learn to master the next step, which is decompression as well.
So far to date, my favorite has been cavern. I actually became very clam & peaceful when we had to wear blacked out masks. My other senses took over & became very acute. Very cool feeling.

Cavern is certainly the most thrilling. Especially when the sunbeams shine down through the openings to the dim sea floor below. Although your heart pounds harder inside a cave or a wreck, a cavern is certainly the most beautiful place underwater.

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