I'm having issues with bumping the O2 reg/valve on a Fathom Mk3 with LP50s when on land. When tipped back, the reg/valve makes contact with the bench which obviously isn't good. I've taken to adding/removing the O2 bottle (and attaching/removing the O2 regulator) while absolutely vertical (or tipped forward), but I feel it's just a matter of time until it slips a little (while getting in/out of the harness), tips back too much, and something breaks. A sidemounted BO configuration would work for some of my sites, but I'd like to have a "boat rig", well... when I'm on a boat.
Am I missing something, or has anyone else noticed this issue? Short of switching to AL40s (which do just clear without contact, brackets are in the same place) or finding a stand, any tips?