Thanks for the comment on my sticky. It was a hard one to write. It is so rewarding to know someone got value from it. I think we all want to turn a tragedy into something worthwhile. Somehow it seems easier to accept if you feel you can develop something positive from the experience. At least that is how it works for me. The other thing that worked for me was talking it out. My husband is not a talker so it has been harder for him to heal from it.
I couldn't do it in the thread at the time of the death for a number of reasons. My choice was to provide information to a couple Mods to filter it into the discussion. We all need to do what is right for us.
One thing I want to stress is that you need to do what is right for you. Please, please trust your instincts and whatever you do don't let anyone push you into doing anything you are not comfortable with. Some people need to get in the water pretty quickly, others need to take their time. You and your husband may find you respond differently. I had someone pushing me to get in the water too soon and said "NO, you may mean well but it is too soon for me." I was back in the water 19 days later. My husband came to the dive site with me but decided he wasn't ready to dive yet. I knew I needed to and so did our buddy so he sat the dive out. My husband was not ready to dive again for 3 months.
Reaction t being back in the water.... for me getting underwater was really kind of "ahhh.. relaxing like normal" I never saw her buddy dead on the bottom.. only on the surface. For my husband underwater was harder... he found her. What I am trying to say is that we all experience our trauma differently. You may find the underwater stuff is easy but the surface stuff is hard.
Please take care of yourself. I am so glad you are finding some help here and please feel free to PM me if I can be of assistance. All of that said nothing we can say or do can help as much as talking to the appropriate people in the real world. You wouldn't rely on medical advice from some random poster about a serious medical issue. It is not wise to rely too much on random posters about emotional issues either.
Something I have told my students for years. It is ok to need support, it just means you are a caring person, it is ok to be ok... it just means you were in the right state of mind for the event.... it is never ok not to be honest with yourself and your loved ones about it. All the best...

sorry for the