Fantasy Island - Solo Night Dives?

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Anderson, SC
# of dives
200 - 499
My wife and I will be at Fantasy Island on Roatan for the first two weeks of October (anyone else?). I enjoy night dives more than she does so I was wondering how easy it is to buddy up with someone there for night dives.

Are the reefs and wreck on which you'd night dive simple / shallow enough to do solo dives or is that a bad idea.
My wife and I will be at Fantasy Island on Roatan for the first two weeks of October (anyone else?). I enjoy night dives more than she does so I was wondering how easy it is to buddy up with someone there for night dives.

Are the reefs and wreck on which you'd night dive simple / shallow enough to do solo dives or is that a bad idea.

I solo night dive on the PA (Prince Albert) Wreck and the Newmans Wall (in front of Fantasy Island) all the time. I don't know if "simple/shallow" is the right criteria, but we are all in control of our own destinies. Neith FIBR or CCV prohibits the activity.

I will tell you categoricaly, altho the resorts share the same channel, and altho FIBR claims the same shore dive- this is simply not the case.

The dive from CCV is marked with a heavy anchor chain that begins at the resort and wends through an aquarium of delights, dropping down (after maybe a 350 feet length) to the 38fsw bottom of the starboard bow of the PA Wreck.

From there, a floated line directs you to the DC3 that lies in pieces, 32fsw. The aft section of the PA bottoms out in 58fsw and you can get in 3000 feet just ESE of there. On either side of the channel is bordered by Newmans Wall and CoCoView Wall, both a delight and very entertaining (and more profitable) when done shallow.

The shore dive from FIBR is usualy done by appointment. They motor you out in a large pram at sunset and you do a backroll over the wreck (larger groups get a dive boat, moored). You do your dive, and with no less than 1200psi (IF you absolutely know your way back, 1800 if not...) you get to the DC3 and grope along a 3/4" steel cable in the murk to get back for your shore exit at the FIBR gazebo.

If I am heading back to CCV I usualy leave the upper structures of the PA (22fsw) at no less than 800 psi, and I'll make it back with a few hundred psi. You get shallow pretty quick. I usualy leave the PA at 1500 psi and take maybe 25+ minutes to dawdle back in... octopus and squid and critters abound at night... an eagle ray or who knows what you'll find.

Two different dives, at any rate, but for the experienced diver, you should have no problem... at either resort just understand the underwater landmarks and "ropes" that attach all of the identifiable objects to your exit- best learned in the daylight- thus the true object of CCV's "orientation dive".

In that specific environment, plenty of air is only a few feet above your head. Speaking of your head- watch out for the rental jet ski guests from FIBR that use this marked dive area for racing through. Among the guests there, you may find a buddy, but I wouldn't sweat it. Again- don't forget a night dive (IF there is no wave action) on the TOP of Newman's Wall. Octopus City.

have fun.
Mix and mingle with the others divers at the resort and you should be able to find others willing - mabey others in the same situation.

The wreck and nearby reef are nice dives, but a Solo Dive dive without even a boat nearby would strike me as foolhardy. Get the buddies!
Hey I'll be there too - arriving Oct. 5 for a week. My buddy & I really enjoy night diving, so count us in!

Corey Brown & Kevin Richter
I have dove the Prince Albert twice from the FI gazebo. Once at twilight once after dark. They leave tanks at the gazebo if you request them. Always interesting that people like CocoView or FI. A couple I know go to FI three times a year and have for several years. They want no part of CocoView. Everyone has their own preference.
Always interesting that people like CocoView or FI. A couple I know go to FI three times a year and have for several years. They want no part of CocoView. Everyone has their own preference.

Check back with them after they have actually been diving at CCV as well, to get a better and broader perspective.

And yes, you're right- it depends on what they're looking for.

If you've got the nitrogen jones, go to CoCoView... many "hardly fooled" divers do.
I understand how much love there is for CCV, and all but I don't think that murk is truly always there on the way back to the gazebo at FI.

I did that PA dive at night with several divers in the water and I navigated by myself to the gazebo from the DC3 without groping along the bottom in the murk. I was at a decent neutral bouyancy level above the bottom and could see quite well. Also, if I looked ahead and up I could see the lights on the gazebo. We took some side trips along the way and saw quite a bit of marine life and activity. Of course since I was in the lead I did not see if the others were kicking up the bottom or leaving a murky trail. I suspect that there was some since we had some newer divers and younger ones in the group.

Let me also qualify something about myself as a night dive person, generally I hate them and never, ever am I the lead person. I perfer to stick right close to my buddy and or the group I am with. I hate the total dark feeling and have had some bad experiences on night dives that have frightened me. That said my night dive at the PA was awesome and I totally loved it. As a matter of fact the night dive we did during the week out on the reef and wall was awesome as well.

Just go have a good time, mix and mingle with other divers and most of all be safe.
MN Lakeman:
Hey I'll be there too - arriving Oct. 5 for a week. My buddy & I really enjoy night diving, so count us in!

Corey Brown & Kevin Richter

Great, I hope we get to meet you. We'll be arriving Saturday the 6th.

Ed and Carolyn :nope:
Great, I hope we get to meet you. We'll be arriving Saturday the 6th.

Ed and Carolyn :nope:

Oops, meant Saturday the 2nd.

We're heading to Key largo on Sept 6th so I had that on my mind. Hopefully hurricane Frances won't screw that up.
Oops, meant Saturday the 2nd.

We're heading to Key largo on Sept 6th so I had that on my mind. Hopefully hurricane Frances won't screw that up.

Good luck with your upcoming Florida trip - & maybe we can get a report of it when we meet up at FIBR. I put your names down on my itinerary & 'will look for you at Wednesday breakfast.


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