Falling Rock this weekend...

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Land Locked:
What do you say about 10-11 Saturday morning? Let me know, I've got to
figure how many tanks to fill for the weekend.

Okay, I spoke too soon. I will not be able to go this weekend. I knew Sunday was out, but I thought Saturday would be fine...I was wrong.:11doh: Sorry.

Thanks, though...you guys seem to be pretty inviting. In reading some of the other threads on the scubaboard, it seems that there's a lot of people out there who seem to have forgotten that they too were new once.
We don't let each other forget how new we were at one time, but its all in good fun.

BTW I'm a bit:confused: over your name and your avatar. By name you are Mellow but your avatar is a pugnacious leperchaun---is that an oxymoron:D
When your available MellowD, you just let us know. I've got no problems
diving with a new diver or someone with thousands of dives. The idea
is to get out there and learn!
BTW I'm a bit:confused: over your name and your avatar. By name you are Mellow but your avatar is a pugnacious leperchaun---is that an oxymoron:D

I think I was trying to say something about the duality of man, sir.:wink:

I am quite mellow...and my name is Derick. Hence, the nickname MellowD. And since it's football season, I'm a Notre Dame fan. When basketball rolls around, I'll change it to the UK logo.

Thanks again, guys.
Duality of man:confused: is that anything like dually's on a pickup truck:D Just kidding. I see where you are with this. Like Chris said you are more than welcome to join us anytime and since you like golf you will have to help us test out our new UW golf course.

Once its up and running according to our design criteria and you complete it, you won't be feeling like you're a newbie any more. We might even make you a member of the old goat club:D
It better include such planning or we will be doing it over again.:D The dive itself just might include an issue or two:eyebrow:

Land Locked:
Hear that John? Mess up, we get to do it again!

I think you guys are enjoying this just a little too much! :D
They say diving is supposed to be fun, so we are wringing all fun out of it that we can:D

When we get to the point we can get the rescue course put to gether then we will have even more fun with Chris's name written on it too :D
Land Locked:
Count me in! I've always wanted to dive down at Laurel Lake.
Is this going to be a multi-level dive plan using sacr?

Hey Chris,

I will be at Laurel Lake Saturday helping with a AOW class, they will be doing there deep dive, let me know if you want to come down..

Sounds tempting Kenny, I'd like to get a few more deep dives logged
this year so I can go down and dive the Mighty O. What time are you
guys heading down there?
Land Locked:
Sounds tempting Kenny, I'd like to get a few more deep dives logged
this year so I can go down and dive the Mighty O. What time are you
guys heading down there?

Not sure yet, but my guess it would be around 9:00..

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