Wow.....what a DB
Just for giggles, what would be said about this, hypothetically, if the person that fell was the last one to get on the boat and nobody else fell? Sometimes, people are just clutzy and there is only so much that an operator can do about that. Maybe he had had a little bit to drink the night before and was still waking up. This may or may not be the case, but since there were no other incidents mentioned by the OP I believe there is still a good chance that they were the only one that fell out of all on the boat. I also know that timing the wave can be everything when getting onto a boat in "rougher" seas. But, if one chooses to time it for themselves rather than listen to the charter staff then I believe they chose to forgive any duty of care (non legal opinion of course). Obviously, the OP is going to come on to a site such as ScubaBoard and more than likely give a biased description of the events of that day. I do however believe that based on the somewhat limited information provided by the OP, these are valid points and questions. I know it is speculation but the OP seems to have disappeared from this thread so all we are left with is speculation.
.....there IS a "duty of care" owed by the boat operator to the customer.....