fairytale or truth?

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hey guys,

I heard a story from somebody who heard a story from someone who's neighbour did it... (you get the point) They said there is a sailboat that's owned by an older guy who loves diving and sailing in the area around thailand and myanmar. He charges 11usd a day to join the trip but you have to help out sailing, setting up gear and everything. No luxury; just a boat, dive gear and a hammock to sleep in.. Pretty much perfect so to say

Anybody familiair with this? If so, I would love to hear details and contact information

for now I assume it's a nice fairytale :idk:
I haven't heard of this before. There is a relatively new live aboard sail boat/yacht on Koh Tao named the Naga. They have given basically free trips to DMs and Instructors in exchange for helping out on the boat when they first arrived. It's a pretty new operation and these extremely discounted trips were also used as a networking tool to establish the new business on the island, so I don't know if they are still offering this, and like I said they only were offering it to a select few DMs and Instructors on the island. But it's worth looking into. I think the boat is owned/operated by a Dutch couple. I didn't look into it too much while I was on the island. Maybe there is a yacht or boat doing what you described on the west coast but I haven't heard of it.
mmh, i am dutch and DM..

lets google it out

Yeah I tried googling it but couldn't find anything about it. I remember seeing the flyers in various restaurants on the island. I remember they did a few dives in the Angthong marine park, and then the more popular Koh Tao sites like chumpon, southwest, and a night dive at Shark island. Maybe someone who is still on Koh Tao could help you out more
Yeah that's the one! They have a couple photo albums of those promotional trips I was talking about. Looking at who's on the boat, I can see Natalie and a bunch of the girls from Scuba Junction. There are also a few people on there that run travel agencies. I would be surprised if they are still giving away free/highly discounted spots. But it's worth sending them a message and finding out. Good luck
hang on, i'm not sure it's the Naga the story's about.

a few years ago there was an old French guy that used to pass through the Gulf every year on his way to Singapore and beyond.

He had an old sailing boat

he used to advertise on koh tao in all the shops for crew on the condition that they were' broadminded' and i think naturism was the key

i never met anyone who had the courage to do it!

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