F-18 wreck off San Diego, CA?

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There are a ton of wrecks in CA, all up and down the coast. Real wrecks, not just the artificial reef kind. Look at www.cawreckdivers.org to see some of them. Also, there are several good books to check out. I myself have dove Palawan, Moody, Dominator, Ace-1, Newburn, Georgia Straits, FS Loop, and Johannasmith in LA county; the Valient and Diosa Del Mar in Catalina; the Humble SM-1 and Gosford in Santa Barbara. While these may not be military vessels, they are quite awesome to dive and have varied stories behind them. To me, it is cooler that they have real history behind their sinking vs. history before they were sunk.
If you are willing to travel a great distance, go to Island Bikini where the Atomic Bomb was set off

Have never been there myself, but my Dad was there during the testing. He was a new field engineer working for Lawrence Livermore Labs as a field engineer during the above ground nuclear testing. He has several Giant Clam shells (about a 12 to 16" across) in his backyard that he brought back from that trip.

I would love to dive there someday.

Hi Laurel I'm jealous. Add a P-40 Curtiss Warhawk(Flying Tiger) and a P-51 Mustang to the mix and you've got my WET dream.
Do you have anymore info on the P-38 and F4U Corsair ?
I would LOVE to dive them.

Please, please,pleease.

Sea ya, So Cal Divin

scubalaurel, arn't you on the dive bum list? i think i've asked you about the p-38 before. hehe. nice to meet you here
Yes, I am a member of the divebums list serve, both in San Diego and OC. I have coordinates for both planes, and a couple of others, as well as acccess to a lot of coordinates for "true" shipwrecks, but the plane's coordinates are not mine to give out. However, if you have a boat, and you invite me onto it, and we happen to go to an area around the wrecksite, my logbook would probably happen to open and the coordinates would be divulged...
Of course, it didn't help that we landed a P-3 intel plane on the doorstep of the Chinese also. I always wondered if the statememnt that they released to the media about the quality of the electronics in the plane being the newest stuff was BS.

One one side...you tell them they are now in possession of the latest and greatest electronics gear - and the plane has 5 year old stuff in it so they think you are not as advanced as you really are.

Or you tell them that its an older version of the gear even though the stuff is out of Star Trek, and that makes them wonder about what you are REALLY capapble of. Oh well, thats a question that we will probably never know the answer to. What we do know is that it was an intel coup for them no matter what version electronics was on that plane.

You can bet that if it would have gone down into the drink, it would have been a race to see who would have pulled it up first.

Believe me when I say those boys were turning and burning everything. In fact the electronics were...shall we say...worthless?
BTW...Salton Sea has a few splashers as well. They are just now being discovered. Its a very shallow site as well...
BTW...Salton Sea has a few splashers as well. They are just now being discovered. Its a very shallow site as well...

This is very exciting...Do you know coordinates for any of these? Are they WW2 era or civilian? It would be very cool (and salty) to dive those. But, that means more lead, right?
So CAl Divein
Awesome Corsair dive off of Oahu. Dove it this past Sept. 110 feet with excellent vis. Awesome pictures. Crash ed in 1945 after running out of gas. Fully intact.
So Cal Divin:

Hi Laurel I'm jealous. Add a P-40 Curtiss Warhawk(Flying Tiger) and a P-51 Mustang to the mix and you've got my WET dream.
Do you have anymore info on the P-38 and F4U Corsair ?
I would LOVE to dive them.

Please, please,pleease.

Sea ya, So Cal Divin


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