Kevin Carlisle
One of my more favorite cave dives was diving with Kevin C. in the cavern at JB. I thought I would be a little bored, spending an entire dive playing around in the cavern, but there's so much to see!It was just awesome to be able to poke around in the rocks, looking at the various embedded fossils and such. On that same note, I really love just hanging out in the cavern at Vortex. There's this spot to the left that's just big enough to tuck yourself into...I would cover my light, and watch the other teams (err...random OW divers) come and go, and enjoy seeing the light filter in from the surface. Even the Vortex cavern can be breathtakingly beautiful if you're willing to stop and just hover for awhile.
Thanks Rita. I told you if you get bored at Jb that means your eyes are closed. Wait until you see the cavern at Morrison springs.