Explanation Anyone?

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jiveturkey once bubbled...
A friend said that I might want to wait until August to buy the camera. He said that prices come down then because that's when they release the new models. Is the discount that substantial or should I just buy it now?

Always the same questions when we're talking about electronics:
"How much will this model cost when new comes out ?" and "If I buy this new model now it will be an old one in few months"

It's hard to tell how much it will cost in August. But thinking this way you'll never buy it. BTW There are several new models after C4000 (C4040, C5050, C50) and I wouldn't expect something new this year.
Buy it now and enjoy it now. With digital cameras you'll always be chasing either a better price or the newest model since they both change very often.

The C-5050 replaced the C-4000 which replaced the C-4040....etc. I bought my C-4040 in Dec. 2001 and it was obsolete in less than 3 months. I really don't care because I haven't learned everything about it yet! If budget is a big thing, you could do just as well by purchasing a C-3040 for a saving over the C-4000.

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