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I'm comparing the Olympus C4000 to the C730. Under the macro spec I see:

1" - 8" in Super Macro /8" to 31" Macro


1.6" -4" in Super Macro/ 4" - 23" Macro

respectively. What exactly does this mean in dummy terms? Also, the C4000 has only a 3X optical zoom and is a 4.0 megapixel camera. The c730 has a 10X optical zoom but only 3.2mp. Which, do you think, is more important? The C730 is more expensive. I find this surprising because of the lower pixels.
jiveturkey once bubbled...
What exactly does this mean in dummy terms?
Less value means you can get objects in focus at closer range i.e. less value means better.

Which, do you think, is more important? The C730 is more expensive. I find this surprising because of the lower pixels.

Comparing 3.2 to 4 MP and 3 to 10 X optical zoom, I'm sure 10 X is more important. Optical parts (like high quality lenses) and mechanical parts (both included in building optical zoom) are something then will make price higher rather then more megapixels.

When making choice, you should also consider price of UW housing for both models.

MonkSeal once bubbled...

Less value means you can get objects in focus at closer range i.e. less value means better.

Is the range on the c4000 good for someone new to uw photography? Are the macro shots decent?

Comparing 3.2 to 4 MP and 3 to 10 X optical zoom, I'm sure 10 X is more important.

This makes sense but why does the c4000 get superior user reviews to the c730? I've only read a few on the c730 but the c4000 seems to be well loved by users on this board and on other ones too.
jiveturkey once bubbled...
Is the range on the c4000 good for someone new to uw photography? Are the macro shots decent?
I'm also new to UW photography but macro shots I made with C5050 looked quite OK.

This makes sense but why does the c4000 get superior user reviews to the c730? I've only read a few on the c730 but the c4000 seems to be well loved by users on this board and on other ones too.

I don't know the reason but the fact is that Oly is well loved. Maybe because it's compact and easy to use.
Dee, I think I remember that you use a c4000. Do you have an opinion on this?
jiveturkey once bubbled...
Dee, I think I remember that you use a c4000. Do you have an opinion on this?

I haven't chimed in because I have the C-4040. But from looking at the specs and what I DO know of the C-4000, my choice would be the C-4000. You'll get better prints with the 4mp, especially with enlargements. I think it will make an excellent starter camera for you. The super macro will be all you expect it to be!

The digital zoom comparison can just be ignored as its useless for still cameras. It's nothing more than in-camera cropping. If you eventually crop your photos, you won't be doing it via the small LCD screen and the camera.

Another reason to go with the C-4000 is the choice of housings. You have your choice of Oly PT-10 or an Ikelite. With the C-730 your only choice in an Ikelite.
One more thing: my opinion on optical zoom was in general. You won't be able to see power of 10x optical zoom in UW environment. Simply, water in not clear and transparent enough. My vote for Oly too.
The distances quoted are focus ranges. Macro mode aligns elements of the lens so that it may be focused at a closer distance than would ordinarily be allowed. The downside is that the lens can longer focus at longer distances, hence the upper limit of the quoted range. The C4000 will let you get closer than the C730.

While it seems that a 10x optical zoom would be a better deal, it presents some problems. The lens port must be really long to allow the full zoom out to 10x. If not, you won't be able to use it. If it is, then the camera has trouble at the wider range where you end up getting the sides of the end of the port in your view.

Another factor with these very wide ranged zooms is optical quality. 10x covers a very broad range. You may find barrel and pin cushion distortion at either of the extremes. You should try the camera out before purchasing. Sho0t some straight lined subjects at the extremes of the zoom like framed pictures on the wall or doorways to see how much distortion may exist.
Thanks for the responses everyone. I think based on the reviews i've read and what you've said here, I'll probably end up buying the c4000.
A friend said that I might want to wait until August to buy the camera. He said that prices come down then because that's when they release the new models. Is the discount that substantial or should I just buy it now?

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