Experiences with ODC - Split from Who to dive with on Oahu

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I was some where today where they were giving ice cream away for free....5 gallon containers....I see an ice cream party in the future :wink:
Kailuadiver: your ice cream melted? then call DiveBoy....remember he is"the nemesis of all diving wrongdoers.Friend of turtles, puny divers and seasick snorkelers everywhere.:superman:
Regarding bio-schmios and to all you distrustful people:

First of all, if I indeed screwed up, do you really think I would be pissed off enough post such a message? Think.....

Second about bios, old threads and credibility. Maybe I should fill out a bio? Maybe I should make a webpage? It certainly made me trust Oahu Dive Center... The reason I replied to an old thread is so people who google Oahu and diving will find my post.

And to the driver who obviously also got engaged in this discussion: How could I be the rude one on that phone call????? And the fact that I called your wife is something you can thank the HIGLY PROFESSIONAL staff at Oahu Dive Center for. I didn't ask for it! And how could you think that the fact that you are not employed by Oahu Dive Center makes anything better? ODC probably expects you to give their customers good service, even if you are not their employee, don't you think? I'll conclude this paragraph with a quote from you that summarizes your service attitude: "I don't give a damn". The fact that ODC chooses to use people like you reflects on their level of professionalism too.

And lastly to all ODC fanboys out there: Even if you think ODC staff usually are very professional, how can you believe that my experience is so impossible? Frankly, I suspect that many of you are staff or close friends with ODC staff.

Luckily, I think my messages here have more credibiliy than you say. Most people are not dumb. If only a few people chose to not dive with ODC because of this, I am happy.

If the treatment they gave me is typical, then I feel sorry for the ones who choose to not believe me...
OK Mr Dive Instructor,
You claim you were not rude to my wife? Then why did you call my home twice? I don't remember saying I don't give a damn. But let me pose a question to you Mr Dive Instructor. Would you expect me to miss the boat, the other diver with me to miss the boat, and lose our money because you were late? Remember, I paid for that seat. You talk about unprofessional, did you think that you could hold up a boat and many other divers because you are special? Give it a rest. You weren't where you were supposed to be on time, and expected special treatment because of? I can assure you, after the way you were speaking to my wife, (remember, she called me while you were still on the phone with her) you did not want me coming back to your hotel. You can be rude to me all you want, but you had no right to talk to my wife like you did. I would have sent this as a PM, but you obviously blocked that. Oh, and the concierge did tell me that you went somewhere and came back late. So just suck it up dude.
Just a suggestion from the peanut gallery :D. Dont dismiss complaints or deride the ops bringing them to the board. The intial statements about bio etc dont add to anything but certainly make it appear that ODC is at FAULT. The single first post by cwkline clearly rebutts the op and does so in such a way as to make ODC look good. Going offtopic and being silly makes it clear to anyone reading this forum that this may not be the place to go if your looking for honest opinions on dive operations in Hawaii.

There is no prerequisite number of posts that make someone honest. A bio is as accurate as a person is honest. You could also argue that since he didnt take the time to make up some BS bio his post must be honest....
Wow, this was very weird.
I don’t know Oahu Ops but it seems odd considering the nightmare of traffic I’ve experienced there; time is not allotted for unexpected delays of one sort or another. Or an Op would just blow off a paying customer (it sounds like) thinking – a no show, whatever (good thing it wasn’t an under water meeting up.)
I’d expect the driver person to be a bit cranky having to locate the pick up person. But can’t imagine the pickup being late for some reason (justifiably like, Oops, forgot cash for tip, or otherwise) hasn’t ever happened before; and the Ops haven’t figured out how to keep all the paying customers happy.
Were I to get a ‘good price’ or anything other than published rates, I’d keep a confirmation with me, just in case the left hand didn’t share this little gem with the right. And, I would not hesitate forking over the change to use a pay phone.

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