Spelling errors on drugs. I don't use or keep the drugs around. Sorry I didn't know how to spell them correctly. My dad was addicted to these drugs. Those drugs killed him. They never cured him of pulmonary emphysema. But the pharma industry and his doctors still made a LOT of money off of him in his lifetime. Funny thing-his medic doctor who was his pulmonary "specialist" never EVER instructed my father to drink a glass of water. And he never did. Those medics had my father CONVINCED that he would DIE if he stopped using his drugs and the oxygen machine he was mentally addicted to.
You have drawn an incomplete conclusion DocVikingo. I never said I used chiropractic by itself to "cure incurable diseaes". I draw wisdom from many health disciplines in my work to help others: chiropractic, nutrition, herbology, acupuncture, Qi Gong, Chinese medicine, psychoneuroimmunology, mindfulness meditation, naturopathy and others.
It's not the ONE thing you do that gets people well, it's ONE OF the things you do...
You know, it dawned on me last night: I've been into natural health care since I was a teenager. I'm 43 now. I've never stopped learning about natural, non-medical methods. The western-trained, medical-minded folks like so many REALLY don't know anything about what I'm talking about here. You guys really don't get this, do you? Are your minds so slaved to rationalistic, reductionistic, mechanistic, linear thought that you are unable to grasp a simple natural concept? REALLY!
Hey folks! Check this out! Your brain and nervous system control your body. You have other control mechanisms too, but your nervous system is the big one. The skeletal system has a high rate for dysfunction, degeneration and failure. Chiropractic is a great treatment for that. It's more than just back pain. WAKE UP PEOPLE! What I've learned from years of clinical practice is that treating the spine improves human health in 100s of ways. I've also listened to pts for years tell me their woes of trying this drug and trying that drug..."and it didn't work".
Yes...I am very prejudice against pharma drugs. I am not of the tribe of medicines and surgeons. So many of you guys in this forum are. I grew up a different way.
Some folks only get as better as they get educated. There is alot of healing going on out there in the world that medical-minded people don't know about. Why is it that some Americans who want to get well of killer diseased leave this country to go to Germany and Mexico and other places to meet with Drs who are non inhibited by the AMA? Americans are sicker than ever, dying of killer diseases, cancer is rampant, children are attacked at birth by medics with killer vaccinations, doctors keep cutting body parts out, and people are not getting well from these supposed modern research proven medical methods. The American medical model of health care is a joke.
There is no validity to American research anymore. There is no honor there. You guys are so bought out. Dont fool yourselves. Anyone who can see past the propoganda, can see who pays for the research. When drug companies order research and hire you guys to conduct it, they expect a certain outcome for their money. If you don't give them the good news they are looking for, they fire those research guys and hire others who will tell them what they want to hear and tell the government. The FDA and the medical industry in this country work together to dominate health "care" and it's a joke. In spite of all this, there are doctors and nurses in medicine that love pts and want them well, but work for a system so corrupt, they go into depression, or simply get out and practice outside the medical model. And you guys keep fooling yourself that your drugs are helping others.
There are no incurable diseases.
No one challenged that statement when I posted it earlier. Interesting.
Harris Coulter PhD once wrote that Vitalistic thought (empiricist) is and will always be in conflict with Reductionistic (mechanistic) thought processes. Natural health care is vitalistic. Western medicine is reductionistic. Our two opposing methods will never get along.
"The frog in the well knows not of the great ocean" Chinese proverb about American medical doctors.
Nutrition, energywork, herbology, chiropractic, blockage removal, elimination, water, toxic avoidance, overcoming mind-slavery. These methods work great.
I'm out of here guys. Waller in your self-delusion. Keep thinking your drugs, radiation and tissue deletion methods are getting people well. The sad fact is that you keep teaching the public your methods are sound. So why is everyone so sick and confused?
page crow DC