Exercise Induced Asthma and diving

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Helpful ... you bet, esp. for those of us for whom the mid-1990s is barely "many years ago" <G>. Thanks again.
Hey Opalobsidian,

Good to hear from you. Mechanical function of the spine affects the nervous system. The nervous system affects the physiology of everything. It's simple. Scoliosis is an adverse modifier. It makes the situation more challenging, but no less workable. I've worked on lots of scoliosis pts over the years. You really don't make the curve better, but more importantly, you improve and keep the mechanical joint function going well through the whole sacral region and sacral-iliac joints, and throughout the rest of the spine. It does wonders for function, flexibility, and physiology.

Here's an interesting ditty: each joint has a joint capsule, a sealed up tissue that holds synovial fluid. In that capsule is where the cartilage does it thing. Around these articulations are special nerve fibers that feel joint dysfunction and stretch-we call them mechano-receptors. Under strain, they send an inbibitory signal to adjacent muscles crossing that joint. The intelligence of this is to intentionally weaken the muscle that crosses the joint so you don't increase injury. It's very cool. You can often feel just what I'm talking about in your own rib articulations up front, where the ribs meet the cartilage in between the ribs and the sternum. Feel for yourself, all along these "costo-chondral and chondro-sternum" junctions. When you feel distinct bumps on your chest with acute little soreness that you were previously unaware of, guess what? You found a rib articulation out of place.

We are all prone to these. They go unnoticed by most everyone. Dr. Kevin Hearon in Boise, ID taught me this. When you combine vertebral adjusting of the spine, clearing through the cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral-iliace joints, then flip a pt over and check the ribs where they meet the cartilage and the cartilage where it meets the sternum, and you find these points, then adjust (joint manipulate), the results are very gratifying. People breathe better. It happens instantly. Simply put-freeing the stuck articulations that are supposed to be moving in the first place, finding specific fixations, blockages, frees the movement of the rib cage and musculature. People breathe easier. And without chemicals. It's very gratifying.

Scoliosis pts benefit well from studying the rib function of the warped ribcage. When you free up the stuck bone and joint movement issues, people get well in a lot of ways. It's so simple-function affects structure and physiology.

page crow DC
Hey Thal,

Chiros have been working on people with every manner of health disorder you can imagine, for over 100 years. Not just back pain. It's simple, the body and it's internal organs are controlled by the nervous system. The nervous system can be adversly affected by the the vertebral column, if dysfuction exists, which is common. Adverse nerve flow energy from the central nervous system has a negative affect on health and function.

Oh...and I really do like getting to take care of people and help them get well. It's my life. It's what I do. No hidden meanings or secret messages there in that.

We chiros are used to be called quacks. We have pretty tough hides to name calling.

Are you really gonna "carefully watch" me? <giggling> It's sounds so George Orwellian. <grinning>

There are more ways to treat dis-health than chemicals. The drugs have a history of being the most toxic and deadly bane of humanity. Pharmaceutical drugs have killed alot of people in the last 100 years. Could anyone guesstimate the adverse effects of the drug industry on our society? But the money is so good, so I guess this will continue to be the way of the future. Look at the kick backs everyone would be missing...
Hi Page Crow,

There is no such drug as "Ventilin." There is a brand name "Ventolin," in which the active ingredient is albuterol.

"Albuterol" is a chemical name, not a brand name, and therefore not capitalized.

There is no such drug as "Primatime mist." There is a brand name "Primatene Mist."

I appreciate that you are too busy curing incurable diseases by bone setting to be bothered with such niceties, but other readers of this thread may wish to be accurately informed.


Hi Page Crow!

Yesterday I went to a great accupuncturist and where do you reckon he put that first needle? Yep, on the right side of my sternum where those rib insertion bumps are you referred to. Then he jiggled and worked that needle and WOW! what a great opening I got! I haven't had to use my inhaler since yesterday afternoon! He also stuck needles in my arms to free stagnant lung energy. It's so great to be breathing more freely after 2 weeks!!!!

Of course I don't consider my asthma cured, as asthma is a response pattern, but the constriction is released, the inflamation is lessened, I can BREATHE and that's all I care about.

I have a long history with asthma and for me, using broncodialators over a period of time seems to set up a vicious cycle, as if they exacerbate the inflamation in my lungs.

My opinion is that until you experience something personally, you can't really know about it, you can only theorise what it might be like. And even then you only know what it was like for YOU, not for anyone else! So, if a cure works for ME, I don't really care what tradition it comes from or if someone else deems it valid or not.
Spelling errors on drugs. I don't use or keep the drugs around. Sorry I didn't know how to spell them correctly. My dad was addicted to these drugs. Those drugs killed him. They never cured him of pulmonary emphysema. But the pharma industry and his doctors still made a LOT of money off of him in his lifetime. Funny thing-his medic doctor who was his pulmonary "specialist" never EVER instructed my father to drink a glass of water. And he never did. Those medics had my father CONVINCED that he would DIE if he stopped using his drugs and the oxygen machine he was mentally addicted to.

You have drawn an incomplete conclusion DocVikingo. I never said I used chiropractic by itself to "cure incurable diseaes". I draw wisdom from many health disciplines in my work to help others: chiropractic, nutrition, herbology, acupuncture, Qi Gong, Chinese medicine, psychoneuroimmunology, mindfulness meditation, naturopathy and others.

It's not the ONE thing you do that gets people well, it's ONE OF the things you do...

You know, it dawned on me last night: I've been into natural health care since I was a teenager. I'm 43 now. I've never stopped learning about natural, non-medical methods. The western-trained, medical-minded folks like so many REALLY don't know anything about what I'm talking about here. You guys really don't get this, do you? Are your minds so slaved to rationalistic, reductionistic, mechanistic, linear thought that you are unable to grasp a simple natural concept? REALLY!

Hey folks! Check this out! Your brain and nervous system control your body. You have other control mechanisms too, but your nervous system is the big one. The skeletal system has a high rate for dysfunction, degeneration and failure. Chiropractic is a great treatment for that. It's more than just back pain. WAKE UP PEOPLE! What I've learned from years of clinical practice is that treating the spine improves human health in 100s of ways. I've also listened to pts for years tell me their woes of trying this drug and trying that drug..."and it didn't work".

Yes...I am very prejudice against pharma drugs. I am not of the tribe of medicines and surgeons. So many of you guys in this forum are. I grew up a different way.

Some folks only get as better as they get educated. There is alot of healing going on out there in the world that medical-minded people don't know about. Why is it that some Americans who want to get well of killer diseased leave this country to go to Germany and Mexico and other places to meet with Drs who are non inhibited by the AMA? Americans are sicker than ever, dying of killer diseases, cancer is rampant, children are attacked at birth by medics with killer vaccinations, doctors keep cutting body parts out, and people are not getting well from these supposed modern research proven medical methods. The American medical model of health care is a joke.

There is no validity to American research anymore. There is no honor there. You guys are so bought out. Dont fool yourselves. Anyone who can see past the propoganda, can see who pays for the research. When drug companies order research and hire you guys to conduct it, they expect a certain outcome for their money. If you don't give them the good news they are looking for, they fire those research guys and hire others who will tell them what they want to hear and tell the government. The FDA and the medical industry in this country work together to dominate health "care" and it's a joke. In spite of all this, there are doctors and nurses in medicine that love pts and want them well, but work for a system so corrupt, they go into depression, or simply get out and practice outside the medical model. And you guys keep fooling yourself that your drugs are helping others.

There are no incurable diseases.

No one challenged that statement when I posted it earlier. Interesting.

Harris Coulter PhD once wrote that Vitalistic thought (empiricist) is and will always be in conflict with Reductionistic (mechanistic) thought processes. Natural health care is vitalistic. Western medicine is reductionistic. Our two opposing methods will never get along.

"The frog in the well knows not of the great ocean" Chinese proverb about American medical doctors.

Nutrition, energywork, herbology, chiropractic, blockage removal, elimination, water, toxic avoidance, overcoming mind-slavery. These methods work great.

I'm out of here guys. Waller in your self-delusion. Keep thinking your drugs, radiation and tissue deletion methods are getting people well. The sad fact is that you keep teaching the public your methods are sound. So why is everyone so sick and confused?

page crow DC
Hey Opal!

Thanks for the reply. Yep, acupuncture works great. 1000s of years of clinical experience culminated into what is known today as Traditional Chinese Medicine. When these methods were first introduced to American medics, they said, "Show us your research!" The Chinese doctors laughed.

There exists on the chest and going down the arm an invisible channel of energy known as the LUNG CHANNEL. This meridian dramatically affects both the lung and large intestine physiology. It's fascinating.

When my dad was killed by the medics here in America with drugs, and he didn't get well, I vowed to learn what could help him.

I'm glad to hear you are getting success. Good for you Opal!

Here's some more good stuff: Get your spine checked for subluxation. A primary control mechanism of the lung function is housed in the upper thoracic spine. We have learned from practice that dysfunction in the upper spine adversely affects breathing technique. When you combine chiropractic treatments with acupuncture treatments, with drinking water, with elimination of milk products and other treatments, you can really improve your breathing potential.

You don't have to have asthma. Medics will brainwash you that you can never get over asthma. They will program you that you have to learn to live with your disease. Bull****.

I'm glad you have discovered something. Keep learning. Heal the symptoms they call asthma.

"There is the known, the knowable, and the unknown." The known is the stuff we know. Different people have different levels of known in their minds. The knowable is the stuff you can know, but don't know yet. Everyone has different levels of knowable in their minds. There is stuff I don't know about medicine, but could know. The same is true the other way. There is stuff the medics on this board could know, but don't know about. Then there is the unknown. It is unknowable. That stuff is the secrets of the universe. It's wonderful!

For anyone on this board who is suffering and looking for answers from these guys, recognize that there are a few individuals who dominate this board. You can tell those guys, because they have THOUSANDS of posts online on this board. They run this show and don't like being challenged. I think they need to get away from their keyboards and go outside and get some fresh air. Their faces are glowing. In an effort to push the agenda of "proper research", they suppress any other method of thought. I dig research, if it were only noble and objective.

I wish you well guys. Best of luck.

page crow DC
I've done my time in medical research! And believe me, I allowed myself to be totally bought out! I needed the money and also the allergy clinic gave me free care when I was doing a study. I got paid up to $1000 a study, but only if I "successfully" completed the study, which involved taking a medicine and keeping records of my results for around 2 weeks at a time. However, when I reported adverse reactions to the medication I was told I would be thrown off the study and not paid a cent! So, needing that money and that free care at the time I quickly learned never to take the medication and lie about taking it. Wonder how many other study group participants did the same? And obviously, if you didn't give only good reports, you were thrown out and your results weren't reported anyway!

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