So whose diving with me in Plymouth this weekend? Might be kind of interesting. I've got a bunch of choices:
ignore them
videotape them
challenge them
hit them (not going to happen, I'm old and slow)
call a lawyer
relax and enjoy it
give up diving
any others?
I'll take a shot at this (so to speak), in slightly reversed order.
(1) Give up diving.---Well, I hope not. It sounds as if you enjoy it, as do we all, so, don't give up yet!
(2) Relax and enjoy it.---This sounds like the advice that was given by misguided men to women about rape in the old days. (a) It wouldn't be fun and, (b) it isn't right to start with.
(3) Ignore them.--They will make this choice impossible.
(4) Challenge them.--They hold all the aces, and this will make things worse.
(5) Hit them.---See the above. This choice will make things VERY much worse.
(6) Videotape them.---Now we get to the strategy part. If you can arrange this on a clandestine basis, you will have the "Power of Panasonic" (which is near to that of God himself) with you!
(7) Call a lawyer.---Having done #6 above, you are now ready to call. Present the evidence to an attorney and see what he or she suggests as the proper procedure.
If you feel your rights as a citizen are being violated, and you are willing to put some effort into it, you might be doing a lot of people a favor.
Now, to some it might seem odd that I, as a law enforcement officer myself, am suggesting this.
I am an instructor for my department. I tell my students, when they object to the idea that the "dash-cam", or a "citizen cam" might be recording them, that if they are doing their job politely and properly, the tape will be their absolute BEST DEFENSE. If they are not following procedure, it WILL be their worst enemy.
A perfect example is the latest pursuit by the LAPD in the Los Angeles area. It was an absolute text-book case, and the "helicopter-cam" showed exactly that. The officers proceded by the book, captured the guy who had attempted an armed kidnapping of a woman, and no one was hurt (except the suspect who resisted the gentle ministrations of the police K-9)!
Good luck!