doyal and i met up with Jay and his SMART buddies, and AWAP was there too. we met up at 10:30am. the weather was beautiful. we did several passes down the river. i was worried if it would be too cold for me. it wasn't. the river was very calm. due to recent rains there were a lot of suspended particles in the water, making visibility not quite was it usually is they say. but i enjoyed it.......something different.........a chance to people,etc. and i was quite happy with the performance of my new reg. easy breathing, no freeflowing at the surface, very comfortable in the problems. enjoyed the company and the awesome weather. we ate lunch in the afternoon at Pat's. good burger, good sweet potato fries! then three hour drive to get back home. that's the only bummer part, that its kinda far for us.........which it were closer. anyhoo.........thanks again jay, and friends (i don't think i remember all the names correctly.........sorry!) all really nice people and enjoyed diving with you guys!