Enjoyable day diving Lake George with Halfmoon Marine

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Dove with Capt Frank and Halfmoon Marine today for a two tank dive. First time with Capt Frank and diving Lake George. Getting to the marina is very easy from the Northway I87. We had 5 divers plus the Capt. Nice dive boat with enough room on the boat for gear and setting up. Crew friendly and helpful. Water and granola bars provided. Cadz the DM lead both dives. Professional and friendly. First dive site was at a site called Karl’s Playground a/k/a Curley’s Reef, about a 10 minute ride. We were lucky with the weather. The weather was perfect. Blue skies, temps high 70s low 80s no wind and no humidty. Water calm with Vis 20-25ft which was a nice treat for NE diving. We anchored in about 15 ft of water and we could see the bottom from onboard the boat. We found the wall quickly and followed it out, made a turn around and headed back. Best light and vis in the 20 to 30ft range. Fish everywhere at this depth. My max depth was 37 but you had the opportunity to dive deeper. The rock formation very unique experience for me. Very jagged and brittle looking. Rock protrusions out from the wall forming various shelves and overhangs. Also cracks and crevices in the wall that you could enter. Was informedafterwards that this was eroded limestone formations. Very nice dive. Surface temp 73 and 68 in the 20 to 30 ft range. Very comfortable in a 5 mil with 2 mil hood and light gloves. Second dive at Maria’s reef about another 10 min. ride. This site consists of a rise or pinacle in the lake surrounded by deeper water. Shallow summit in about 20ft. My max depth 47ft. Again best light and fish in the 20-25 ft range. Abundance of fish, especially schools of small perch. There is grass or weeds in the shallows with juv fish swimming about. Fairly certain I spotted fresh water sponges. It did have the feel of a reef without the variety of color you find in warmer waters. Overall another enjoyable dive. I was pleasantly surprised by the visibilty, abundance of fish and variety of terrain, especially in the first dive with the limestone formation on the wall. Would recommend and will do a return trip. Capt and Crew very friendly, able and welcoming.
Glad you liked the dives with Halfmoon. They are a supporter of our local dive club and a great bunch. They do their very best to make every dive as good as it can be.
Sounds awesome. What was the cost? What time did you leave and come back to the dock?
Sounds nice
Sounds awesome. What was the cost? What time did you leave and come back to the dock?

The trip price was $85. Meet time at the marina was 8:30 with a 9:00 depart and a 1:30 return
Just booked a two tank dive for September 7th. Thanks for the info
Post a report afterwards. I would be interested in hearing about where you dove

The Roger's Rock Invitational is that same weekend. If you bring up camping gear you could dive the entire weekend. It's about a 45 minute drive from Gilchrist Marina.

Saratoga NY
Thanks for the info Kevin. I would love to do something like that. Problem is I'm spending four days at a horse ranch nearby. The Mrs. Didn't have a problem with me sneaking of for a couple hours to get a dive in while we were up there.

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