Emerging National Emergency

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Hi everyone,
just wanted to let you know people here in australia are asking "what can we do to help" and collections are starting over here to help.

we handed over so much when the Tsuami hit asia but we seem to be in a bit of shock about how this town has been left is such a bad way. part of the shock being how one of the worlds wealthiest nations is suffering so badly. a very sad situation for any country.

thoughts are with those going thru it right now.
almity - thank you! I was just lamenting (ok b-ching) to some friends the other day on how now that the US has been struck it doesn't seem to be nearly the outcry and rush to respond as when it is outside the US.

Being an American overseas provides some interesting perspective some days.

Give, give, give...we're all on this planet together and we need to support each other.
Hi everyone,
just wanted to let you know people here in australia are asking "what can we do to help" and collections are starting over here to help.

we handed over so much when the Tsuami hit asia but we seem to be in a bit of shock about how this town has been left is such a bad way. part of the shock being how one of the worlds wealthiest nations is suffering so badly. a very sad situation for any country.

thoughts are with those going thru it right now.

It's not just a town but several states. New Orleans is getting the attention I see but the whole coast was wiped out. The death toll will hit the tens of thousands before this is over. Thanks for your suppport!
It's not just a town but several states. New Orleans is getting the attention I see but the whole coast was wiped out. The death toll will hit the tens of thousands before this is over. Thanks for your suppport!

in the news over here they are saying the total area hit is the size of the UK.

the news is saying that police and rescue staff have been pulled of S&R to stop the gangs, rioters and looters that are terrorising the area ...........very sad as this will only lead to more people dieing that could have been saved!

it also said that the area was a no fly zone as they were shooting the helicopters.

and it showed reporters fleeing the area in fear of their life after being threatened.

women and girls being raped, this is not humanity!

you can't help people that don't want to be helped
Clive- There is no question that some are taking advantage of the situation for their own gain. I'm speaking of those doing the shooting and raping and threatening. However I think much of the "looting" is focused on survival. When food and water are not forthcoming, one takes where one can to ensure life.

This seems to be truly a situation where incompetence is rampant and warnings were not heeded. Too bad it is the people who are suffering for their leaders inability to address problems timely.
Clive- There is no question that some are taking advantage of the situation for their own gain. I'm speaking of those doing the shooting and raping and threatening. However I think much of the "looting" is focused on survival. When food and water are not forthcoming, one takes where one can to ensure life.

This seems to be truly a situation where incompetence is rampant and warnings were not heeded. Too bad it is the people who are suffering for their leaders inability to address problems timely.

i agree, while some were taking food and water (enough to survive) others were taking more than they could carry and were dropping it and spoiling it.

others were raiding jewelers and electronic shops and floating it down the sreets on wooden boards.

there have been reports over here of sharks cruising the streets, how true is that?
As Wildcard said, the destruction is wide spread throughout the gulf coast area. Relief supplies will be needed for months to come. Thousands are still unaccounted for and sadly the death toll will inevitably rise. There is no country, big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, that would not be severely affected by what mother nature dealt to this area and America is no different. Support from everyone is very, very much appreciated. Thanks to all!

Hi everyone,
just wanted to let you know people here in australia are asking "what can we do to help" and collections are starting over here to help.

we handed over so much when the Tsuami hit asia but we seem to be in a bit of shock about how this town has been left is such a bad way. part of the shock being how one of the worlds wealthiest nations is suffering so badly. a very sad situation for any country.

thoughts are with those going thru it right now.

Damn...just gotta love the Aussie's, always with us through thick and thin!

Like others have said, the area of devastation is massive and not contained to just New Orleans. According to live reports now coming in, at least one eight mile long convoy of trucks with supplies, fire engines, busses, and trucks with boats are now entering New Orleans, with more convoys forming just across the bridge from New Orleans...its as if the cavalry has finally arrived. Hopefully help is arriving all across the south where it is so desperately needed. It is hard for those of us that would like to help to just sit on the sidelines and watch, but until the situation stablilzes, it would be unsafe to do so. The whole area is going to be in recovery for some time and as it is being rebuilt, that is when our help will be needed most. So until then, send money...they're sure going to need it.
In our area two needs are emerging as top of the list.
Folks' assets are running out; their ability to stay in hotels and motels is fast coming to an end. This is putting increasing pressure on shelters and the only really viable solution is for as many of us as can to step up to the plate with spare bedrooms or even just a place to put a sleeping bag while these folks are waiting it out. I know this is risky... letting strangers into your home or even an out building is never comfortable. But hang the risk... the Lovely Young Kat & I are taking in two. I urge y'all to follow suit.
The other area is in public health. We're probably looking at a real disease problem in the affected area - PH trained folks will be needed in droves. What we - and the folks who are displaced, for that matter - can do is to back-fill some clerical jobs locally for a few hours a week that'll free up PH pros for front-line duty.
I'm sure there are other things too, but those two seem to be bubbling to the top here in Lower Alabama.
clive francis:
the news is saying that police and rescue staff have been pulled of S&R to stop the gangs, rioters and looters that are terrorising the area ...........very sad as this will only lead to more people dieing that could have been saved!

it also said that the area was a no fly zone as they were shooting the helicopters.

and it showed reporters fleeing the area in fear of their life after being threatened.

women and girls being raped, this is not humanity!

you can't help people that don't want to be helped

The incidents you mention are not really widespread, I think the media is playing them up a bit. These devastated people are desperate and feel totally helpless and hopeless right now. Please don't believe everything you read in the newspaper or hear being reported. These people are good people in a horrible situation. As always, there are some lunatics who take advantage. It would be the same anywhere. Please help if you can. Living on the gulf coast, I know how easily I could be in the same situation.

Also, MoveOn organization (on the internet) is coordinating a nationwide housing availability net line. If you have a room, a spare bed, a fold out couch, etc. and wish to help shelter a refugee, you can visit their site for more info on how to help.

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