randog:Then about a year or so later things changed. Following a tank rental for a boat trip I was accused of dropping a tank and bending a valve. I discussed it briefly with Ron, but I swore to him I had not done it, yet he insisted on me paying for it. Nothing happened at the time but a few days later, there was a $47.00 charge on my credit card which I was not informed of previously. My wife couldn't identify the charge, so she reversed it. I eventually paid the charge, even though I didn't feel good about, just to try to keep from ruining a previously good thing.
Hey Randy,
I remember your tank incident well, since I was the DM that day. The bit that you forget is that I lent you my personal tank so that you didn't have to spend the day sitting forlornly on the boat - something you're not giving any kudos to Eco about. We saved your day.
The reason we worked out that you had to have damaged the tank is that it was filled up successfully minutes before you grabbed it - and then magically suddenly became damaged to the point that neither a compressor connection nor a regulator could be connected to it. Hence the rather obvious deduction that the tank was damaged AFTER it had been filled - and since it had just been filled, that must have happened while it was in your possession. Doesn't need a PhD to work out that... well, that must have been damage done by you. I think it may have happened without your noticing it - perhaps it dinged something when you went around a corner - but it just had to have been damaged by you.
I can't speak for the rest of your experiences, so let's leave those out of this.
What I will say is that I've never been paid a cent by Eco. I din't get (or ask for) key man discounts even though technically I could. I occasionally DM for them or help them around the shop just because they happen to be the best damn store I've ever had the pleasure of dealing with and I want to help make sure they stay in business. Yes, Ron can be a bit irascible occasionally - but that's just because he's a bit larger than life. If you take the frequent good with the occasional bad, you'll find someone who's a blast to be around, a damn good instructor and who has started a shop that's helped shake up the LA dive community in a positive way.
Not to mention the other Eco characters. Beth is fantastic. Brian is a star. Amelia is probably the most methodical OW instructor I've ever seen. Philippe has incredible energy - and is a pretty good person to hang out at a bar with, a key component of choosing the right dive instructor.
I've tried to mix a bit of light-heartedness with a more serious point - that it's easy for people to focus on the negative. There's a lot of positive aspects of Eco. I've probably dropped $10 to 15k on dive gear there and I'll be dropping more - they're a good operation.
To the guy who's so miffed about the $10 - my email is andrew.ainslie@anderson.ucla.edu. Email me your paypal account and I'll send you $10. Okay? Enough already!
Oh - and veering a little off topic, I can't believe a couple of people were taking pot shots at Dan Rood - you have to be kidding me. That guy has done more for the diving community in LA than any other private individual I can think of. Divevets has gotten dozens of people who probably would have dropped out of the sport to stay in. It has galvanized many stores' business, and filled many boats. We're lucky to have him around.
I'm probably also going to get some whines about my infrequent posts. Sorry - I admit I don't post here that often. It's just that I read rather than post on this board (the same isn't true of other boards - divevets, thedecostop inter alia) - but this time I felt I had to comment.