Awww Man. Where do partial posts go when AOL logs me out due to inactivity? I type slow and I guess it decided I'd fallen asleep or something
Anyway, I was working on a response before I was so ruttedly interruded. Thanks Tom for giving me a heads up on the subject.
I was saying that I think the issue is a case of when is enough enough? It's not that we want to restrict people from seeing caves or wrecks because they really are fascinating. It's more a case of learning. Did your parents let you take their car out on a dark rainy night right after you get your driver's license? Probably not, because you didn't have enough experience and practice yet, right? Same for anything that takes a little bit of common sense to recognize the inherent danger. Were you able to just go out and buy your scuba gear? Probably not, you had to show some kind of record of training and experience first. Same for 0H diving.
Actually, the free spirit in me wants to say Sure go-ahead, have a blast in that wreck or cave but the part of me that pays medical insurance premiums and local officials search and rescue (or possibly body-recovery) salaries wants to say Now wait just a minute, that's my money youre going to waste, and possibly endanger the lives of others who were trying to save (or recover) your sorry butt. Not to mention the risk of giving diving an even worse name than it already does in a lot of circles.
It's the person that pokes a sleeping dog and gets away with it, and then pokes a bigger one and gets away with that, and then goes on poking bears. Or someone that takes just one sip of alcohol, and next time takes a guzzle, and next time drains the bottle (We're not talking about animal-abuse or booze here, just moderation and drawing the line with anything). Where does it end? When does it get dangerous? Hey! Maybe we should just let Darwin do his thing and wait for the problem to solve itself.
I have seen a very benign overhead dive turn into a nightmare situation JUST LIKE THAT. What started out really fun turned really bad really quick. No warning, no nothing. Someone that thinks they can do ok in an open wreck or a big cavern has no idea how bad it can be an instant. They have no frame of reference to fall back on to decide when it is about to hit the fan, nor do they have the skills and training to get themselves and possibly their buddy to out of the jam when it does hit.
If you don't want to get bit, dont go near dogs. If you dont want to chance becoming an alcoholic, never take a drink. If you don't want to get lost in a cave/wreck, don't go in one.
Bottom-line? We can't keep everyone from going what they will do anyway, all we can do is tell people not to do something that may turn out to be something they never ever imagined. So to burden the rest of us with results of the ill-thought antics of a few, DONT DO IT WITHOUT PROPER TRAINING, and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE. (Hey you may even live to get to see Carnegie Hall (insert rimshot here)).
Your question is a good one, Tom, and I like that you are thinking of others and their potential liability. Yes, a cave/wreck is a huge Attractive Nuisance, but someone has to take the stand and say let's Do It Right! (oops, wrong thread. But you know what I mean). If we practice what we preach eventually (okay maybe) well get the message across to the knuckleheads out there. Then maybe the Terrells of the world will have cheaper insurance policies. Interim solution? Don't know, maybe encourage wreck/cave training even more like we do with Night or EAN or navigation courses.
You know, this also brings up the issue of taking some responsibility for your own actions but I bet AOL is about to shut me off again.
Maybe later.