Hi guys, some new updates again. First of all
@rsingler my ENT said there is no risk of tachyphylaxis because I do not take the short term use nose spray which has this risk. I take a saltwater one that u can use daily longterm (6 month).
@DanBMW thanks for sharing. It gives me a little bit hope. But please read my text here below now as there is some updates about that
OK I moved now To the gold coast and left my job and all friends behind for this diving study. I have done here 5 dives so far. 1 dive every day for 5 days in a row. Additionally some free diving too.
I never got pain or this loud buzzing again in my left air. The only thing is that the tinnitus gets a bit worse after the dive and then after a day better again. But it still doesn't bother me though. My dive instructor in this school who has 8000+ dives has tinnitus from diving too for 20 years. He said it gets worse and better worse and better all the time. But long term it gets better.
Anyway. I really don't have so much luck!!! On my day 5 I had a little problem with equalizing the right ear (the one that never had issues). The popping worked on the surface but the pressure feeling you get when you do so disappeared all the time. Then I started diving. I had to little bit force it but it worked. Then I got a very mild pain and acended, equalities again and kept diving. I couldn't feel the popping but there was no pain anymore so I kept diving on this depth which was around 10 meters. No symptoms after but a day later I got pain and a little tinnitus on the right ear now too
I went to a diving medical gp. She said its no barotrauma but there is a little infection and that's all. The tinnitus can be from that too. Taking drops now.
Not going well for me lately. Hope I can go diving again next week. Also, a barotrauma would make symptoms after the dive if I'm correct and not a day later right?