Now I just get a full feeling in my ears that lasts for a couple days.
Slight tangent, and sounds unrelated to the OP's problem, but I just noticed this and thought I would comment.
The type of infection it sounds like the OP is describing is in the outer ear. From what I understand (and have experienced mildly), a feeling of fullness is not typically in the outer ear, and not related to having water (from the ocean or pool) in your ear. Instead, it's from (middle ear) barotrauma, which is caused by a pressure differential (probably related to ear clearing or not-clearing). That pressure differential draws body fluid into your middle ear and makes it feel full. But it's not "outside" water like you would have in your outer ear (which is why it doesn't drain out).
I had a case of mild barotrauma not too long ago, and from what I can tell it was caused by a combination of a lot of up/down in shallow water, combined with a hood that was sealing over my ear and changing my clearing dynamics. I had the slight feeling of fullness and some crackling when I chewed. (However I did not have symptoms of more severe barotrauma, such as muffled hearing, ringing, or infection). Mine cleared up over the following day. I think some cases take a week or weeks, if they are more severe. From what I understand, you basically just have to wait for it to re-absorb (although some people try things such as decongestants).
So, maybe you are either not clearing soon enough or often enough, or you have a hood causing a problem or something of that sort?
If you want to find out more (and read posts by actual doctors vs. my amateur synopsis), there are quite a few threads which would probably come up by searching "barotrauma" "middle ear."
(I have had water very temporarily "stick" in my outer ear, but it usually runs out shortly thereafter.)
Blue Sparkle