Hi everyone -
I am one dive away from my PADI open water cert due to a persistent ear equalization issue that has caused me to have to abort many dives. I know there's a lot of advice on this forum already about equalization issues and I've looked at and tried everything I can find, but to no avail. I was hoping to get some help.
Over a year ago I had two terrible ear infections, and have not been able to equalize consistently since. I often can't get below 6 feet on a dive. Sudafed has helped at times. Other times I have descended with no issues and gotten a reverse block later in the dive. I can't freedive below 10 feet since I use up my entire breath hold just trying to equalize. On my last dive (Open Water #4) I descended with no trouble. My instructor had me perform a CESA about 10 minutes into the dive, and then I had to descend again to complete the last skills. On the 2nd descent I couldn't get below 6 feet, even though 10 minutes earlier I equalized with no trouble.
Starting last May I saw an ENT who did tests and said my ears look normal and I shouldn't be having trouble. Since last May I have been trying the following:
- practice equalizing at my desk (10-50 times a day) to train the eustachian tubes. In May I couldn't perform a Valsalva, now I can perform a Valsalva with relatively few issues (but I prefer to use other methods underwater since it takes a huge amount of force for me to Valsalva underwater). I have no trouble equalizing in air anymore
- practice freediving to train ears under pressure (again, can't get below 10 feet and that often hurts)
- try Sudafed before a dive (seems to help) -- I have not tried Afrin yet but I got some to try tomorrow
Unfortunately now my instructor says I may not ever be able to dive again, and won't let me re-do my last dive (the only skill I didn't complete was underwater compass navigation) until I can easily freedive to 25 feet. I was supposed to do my scientific diving training next month and it has been nearly 10 months of this frustration thus far.
If anyone has any advice or suggestions as to where to go from here, I would really appreciate it. I'm really sad at the thought of giving up diving and really want to find a way to work through this issu
Hi everyone -
I am one dive away from my PADI open water cert due to a persistent ear equalization issue that has caused me to have to abort many dives. I know there's a lot of advice on this forum already about equalization issues and I've looked at and tried everything I can find, but to no avail. I was hoping to get some help.
Over a year ago I had two terrible ear infections, and have not been able to equalize consistently since. I often can't get below 6 feet on a dive. Sudafed has helped at times. Other times I have descended with no issues and gotten a reverse block later in the dive. I can't freedive below 10 feet since I use up my entire breath hold just trying to equalize. On my last dive (Open Water #4) I descended with no trouble. My instructor had me perform a CESA about 10 minutes into the dive, and then I had to descend again to complete the last skills. On the 2nd descent I couldn't get below 6 feet, even though 10 minutes earlier I equalized with no trouble.
Starting last May I saw an ENT who did tests and said my ears look normal and I shouldn't be having trouble. Since last May I have been trying the following:
- practice equalizing at my desk (10-50 times a day) to train the eustachian tubes. In May I couldn't perform a Valsalva, now I can perform a Valsalva with relatively few issues (but I prefer to use other methods underwater since it takes a huge amount of force for me to Valsalva underwater). I have no trouble equalizing in air anymore
- practice freediving to train ears under pressure (again, can't get below 10 feet and that often hurts)
- try Sudafed before a dive (seems to help) -- I have not tried Afrin yet but I got some to try tomorrow
Unfortunately now my instructor says I may not ever be able to dive again, and won't let me re-do my last dive (the only skill I didn't complete was underwater compass navigation) until I can easily freedive to 25 feet. I was supposed to do my scientific diving training next month and it has been nearly 10 months of this frustration thus far.
If anyone has any advice or suggestions as to where to go from here, I would really appreciate it. I'm really sad at the thought of giving up diving and really want to find a way to work through this issue.
I feel your pain I just finished three of my four certification dives and now I can’t equalize my right ear I don’t want to be the one to end my family’s trip to Belize be having to go see a doctor I have tried all the tricks to equalize my ears what should I do