Dutch Springs isn't Wreck Valley

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Boynton Beach/ former Long Island, NY (THE ISLAND)
# of dives
1000 - 2499
Dutch Springs is a quarry in the middle of Pennsylvania. Wreck Valley is the vast ocean between Long Island, NY and New Jersery that is literally littered with wrecks. There are wrecks in all depth ranges. These wrecks are visited by numerous dive boats from New York and New Jersey. You don't have to be a techie to dive many of these wrecks. There are things to see. Marine life in form of growth, and fish. If your so inclined you can bag a bug or spear a fish. And on most wrecks you can also search for artifacts, pieces of history.
So come on get out on those boats and do some diving.
Funny...I thought Wreck Valley was a dive club, interested in seeing its members getting into the water with their gear. And if I'm not mistaken, the club's first official dive was at (dun-dun-dun!) Dutch Springs.
For those of us who can't afford a second rig / pony / drysuit setup, Dutch Springs is a great alternative to sitting at home thinking about diving. Many of the dive trips I've heard about to "wreck valley" have been cancelled on the dock the morning of the dive. While I'm sure the lure of the wrecks and interesting marine life is strong, getting into the water seems to me a more logical goal, and for that, I'll take Dutch Springs over standing on the dock any day.
I'm not sure I appreciate the "saltier-than-thou" attitude, but I hope you aren't an official spokesman for the club.
lets lighten up. i didnt read anything in deeplou's post that didnt sound tongue in cheek. lets face it, wreck valley the site/club has a heavy DS voice. i dive almost every weekend and hardly every post. so we have two choices. the DS'ers dive offshore more or the offshore divers post more. either way the club/site will be more fun. so everyone relax and join me this sat to the Oregon on the Sea Hunter. however, you have to promise to post a trip report on sunday!!!
I would love to hear more about the wreck diving in "wreck valley" . I keep looking to see if there are any trip reports but I only see one or so every so often. Please post your wreck diving trip reports! I love to read them and I am looking forward to my wreck dive in New York in October. So far I have learned a lot from just reading trip reports.
I, too, get frustrated and bored seeing 9 out of 10 posts about Dutch. I haven't dove in it since 1998 for a number of reasons. I understand there are those, who for one reason or another, don't dive in the ocean. We all have a type of diving that we like to do, but remember, it is all diving. Diving in NJ, NY, PA, etc is what we do. That is why we started this club and that's why we spend countless hours on this board.

C'mon, can't we all get along??

I am one of those who is out boat diving every weekend (along with Lou and a few others) and we try to share our experiences so that others can enjoy what they are missing. Yes there are a few bad days here and there, but if my memory serves me right, the Dina Dee has only lost 2 or 3 days of weekend diving since April.

As long as you want to continue to hear the dive reports off the boats, I'm sure Lou, myself and the others will continue to post them for your entertainment.

and Lou? I'll keep that NY/NJ dive report going so you'll have something to read. I'll be up your way on 9/18 aboard the Sea Hunter.
Dutch is a great place to allow new divers to cut their teeth in cold water and then get them into the idea of wreck diving .... it`s also a good bolt hole in the event of snotty weather ...
I have been to Dutch Springs, matter of fact I even went there this year (when we got blown out). But for me its about a 3 hour drive.

I'll keep that NY/NJ dive report going so you'll have something to read. I'll be up your way on 9/18 aboard the Sea Hunter

I started to say I won't be diving this Saturday, then I realized you are talking about next month. Although I don't have my plans out that far, I usually go on the Sea Hawk on Saturdays. I have yet to go on Sea Hunter, but hope to try and get out with them one day. One of the guys that I know from the shop (guess could call him a friend) often runs the boat on Sundays for Sal. I also know Wes who also runs and works the boat. and another friend Kevin I think said he will be working the boat also.
I am too old and feble to consider mating on a boat, so I will just be another paying customer.
Although don't expect to get out on Sat (8/21), hopefully will get out on Thurs the 19th to the Big O (as they are calling it now)
Okay, I didn't count to 10 before responding to DeepLou's post. As a new diver, I felt like I was being criticised for what I considered to be good dive time and experience. I apologize if I came off too antagonistically.

One of the things I like about Dutch Springs is that I get in my car, drive about an hour, and get into the water. The only thing that bars my way is the occasional lightning storm. I can pretty much guarantee that if I drive to Dutch, I'm getting wet. It's automatic, and it's the only place I've ever been "shown" as a dive destination.

What I'd like to know from the members of the salt water community is...how does someone go about finding a boat? All of the charters I have seen require deposits well in advance, and the number of slots is always limited, and are usually full. Where does one begin when looking for ocean dives, if all they want is a few good dives?


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