Dutch Springs Graffiti

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
United States, New Jersey
It isn't my business, really, but I feel a strong sense of annoyance when I see people carving their names / initials into the attractions or platforms at Dutch Springs.

I can ask people to stop, and have noticed that waggling a finger at someone leaving their mark at DS tends to result in that person waggling a finger right back -- but a different finger.

I'm trying to come up with an appropriate action to take when I see this sort of thing happening, and have wavered between gliding up behind the person and severing their HP hose, or following them out of the water, stalking them for the rest of the day, and then carving my initials into the side of their vehicle.
If there is any thing distinguishing on the people that can bee seen out of the water just report them to the staff at Dutch. There is almost no reason that I can think of that a knife is necessary at Dutch. I know that some of the other quarrys do not allow knives and maybe Dutch should be the same way. I can understand wanting to carry a cutting device, especially when working with a reel or spool, but there are very few entanglement hazards that could not be handled with shears at Dutch.

How about an underwater camera? Take their picture and then give it to Stu or one of the other staff members? Especially if there is something distinguishing about their gear. Like their name on the tank.....

I know they were a little perturbed when some people decided to park on the grass instead of in the parking lot. Made an announcement that in 15 minutes the tow truck would be here......I think the last car was moved in less than 10.
If you see anyone stealing pieces of the attractions or writing graffitti, you should by all means report it to Stu or his staff. People forget that Stu has spent good money to put those attractions in there for our pleasure. As far as I know, if caught, you will be banned for life !! Way to easy for my liking. I feel they should prosecute to the fullest penalty.
I agree people should not be doing that. I was there for the first time sat 28th aug. And the carving was something I noticed on the sunken bus. What if they put an item in just for that purpose kinda like the chalk board in the rest room.
I agree people should not be doing that. I was there for the first time sat 28th aug. And the carving was something I noticed on the sunken bus. What if they put an item in just for that purpose kinda like the chalk board in the rest room.
Better yet, put a sign up at the main gate that reads, "You must be at least this intelligent to enter the water."

For all the graffiti I've seen, I have to conclude that those who choose to carve things into semi-permanent objects are...morons. Nothing better to say than "Joe wuz here"? Joe takes the time to leave something for others to view, and that's the best he can come up with? I'd almost be able to forgive the offense if they had something worthwhile to contribute.

Meanwhile, I'll be the happy hp-hose-dicing quarry vigilante.
I'm trying to come up with an appropriate action to take when I see this sort of thing happening, and have wavered between gliding up behind the person and severing their HP hose, or following them out of the water, stalking them for the rest of the day, and then carving my initials into the side of their vehicle.

Report it. Get them banned. You don't go in without checking in so getting banned would ideally cut down on this. And they could post a sign saying if you are caught doing this, you'll be banned. There are some kids at the place, but they're not likely the ones doing this. As for adults? Yeah, ok, if you're diving, you've probably got a lot of kid in you. But there's nothing "cool" about being a piece of garbage messing up the place. We're not in grade school. (Not that defacing stuff was right then, but... well... at least anyone doing this had the "hey, I'm just a stupid kid excuse.")

Personally, if I ever see this, I'll try to follow them and get them reported and ideally booted.

I agree. Report them but make sure you don't tell the kids at the front. They can at best be described as "putting in a days work." They aren't always helpful or in a position to do something about serious issues. Tell Stu. He will say something. Seems like a really good guy. Always willing to talk and listen.

I was once at Ginnie Springs in Florida and agreed to buddy up with a guy because the place was dead. He seemed a little off but I had no other choice. This guy proceeded to take his knife out and carve his initials into the main cavern not once but three times. I was so made but at the time I was new to diving and thought it better to just keep my mouth shut. I wish I would have said something.

Living in NYC has taught me to keep my mouth shut and just keep walking even when I am really pissed. Try confronting kids on the subway about painting the trains. You think other passengers will jump in and back you up, but they don't. I found out the hard way. Yikes!

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